Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wondering About Weight and Mass

I got wondering about the difference between weight and mass.  Well, there are probably a lot of differences.  Weight is what my scales show me and mass is what is said in a church. . . OK, that isn't the mass I am talking about.  Well let me think a minute . . . OK, mass is what causes you to get knocked down when a huge football linebacker runs into you.  Weight can only be measured in the presence of gravity, but mass can exists in space far from any other objects or planets.

Another way to look at it is that a balloon full of helium rises in the air.  Therefore, it has no weight but it still has mass.  Yes, I know that is not a perfect example, but it is the best one I have.  So, you disagree?  OK, you measure the weight of that rising balloon!!  So, if someone tells you that you should loose weight, just go into the ocean and float around on your back and tell them to weigh you now.  In this case, your weight is transfered by the water and spread over ocean floor.  So, does that mean that the floating man is weightless?  It may or may not but he still has mass.  Weight is only a measurement where as mass is a constant no matter where you are in the universe, except maybe in or near a black hole where the laws of physics, as we know them, may be different.  Now I hope you don't have any excess weight on your shoulders and I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. You mean I gothya? Glad you liked it, that is, if I got you in a good way.

  2. HAhaaaaa … "Weight is what my scales show me and mass is what is said in a church." I remember this from my high school physical science class… thought it interesting then and I still do… all the scientists and all the stuff they define…

    mass as I remember ... is stuff that takes up space... and weight is how heavy the stuff is.


    1. Weight is only the measurement of how much something is affected by gravity. You can have mass when you don't have weight, but not visa versa. Something way out in space still has mass even though it doesn't have weight.

    2. well. yeah... but it takes up space... whether is weighs anything or not... that's my point... a pea takes up space. a feather takes up space... lint?

      which is heavier ... a pound of lead or a pound of feathers...


    3. I really do understand what you mean ... stuff in space is weightless but it takes up space regardless.... can't the smallest particles register on radar or be seen? that is mass... it takes up space ... a mass can be weightless, right?

    4. Mass is something that you feel when it hits you. Weight is just a measurement of the effect of gravity on mass.

    5. " So, does that mean that the floating man is weightless? It may or may not but he still has mass.?

      I'm trying to say the same thing ... to me, a mass is a mass ... if it weighs something it ain't in space... or in water ... unless you try to pick up something in the water ... then the, of course .. gravity takes over ... because if there weren't gravity? the whatever you picked up would float awaaaay...

      hahaa... ?

  3. What ever!!!! Space in no way effects my life or my think'n, so it is of no use to me. But some of the "guess-asions an' theories some times amaze me.

    From what I learn from your post today is that even at my present weight, I'm a mass of nothing. Or something like that.

  4. Billy Bob, space would affect your life if your motorhome tries to take up what is currently occupied by a tree. Just ask Dizzy!

    OK, so how can I add weight AND mass to my skinny frame?

  5. How about... weight is just a number & mass is the reality of what it is?
