Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wondering how to Turn on Wipers.

I bet you thought I knew how to turn windshield wipers on in a car.  Well I guess I don't.  Maybe I should explain.  If you remember from my older blog, I had a blowout on the Jeep and it tore up the fender liner and some of the fender trim.  The fender liner done disappeared but the trim was partially hanging on to the fender.  I removed the fender parts and took the Jeep up to the Geiko claims center.  They said it would take up to three days to get the parts in and get it fixed properly, so they gave me a rental car to drive.  It is a Fiat.  I seemed to be able to drive it OK but then it started to rain.  Guess what, I couldn't find where to turn on the windshield wipers.  I did find where to turn on the rear window wiper and did so.  My wife suggested that I drive the rest of the way home in reverse going backwards so that I could see were I was going.  I was going to but couldn't find a place to turn around (grin).

I got home and the wife Googled it and I watched the video.  Dang, it is like a combination to open a safe.  Hey, I am old and I like things simple.  This wiper control is not simple.  Anyway, it is cold and rainy, unlike the last few beautiful days when the frogs were singing.  Of course the frogs love the rain but not the cold.  I guess those 70 and 80 degree days we had have spoiled me.  It is still winter, right?  At least the birds are enjoying the bird feeders and are giving me a show at the same time.  I smeared Vaseline on the small metal post that holds the bird feeders to keep the squirrels off the feeders.  My wife tells me that it is comical when they leap as high as they can, grab a tight hold on the bar, and slowly slide back down to the ground.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Did you know I am completely against the killing/murdering of squirrels. By applying vasoline to their underside, they are no longer protected from the elements an' will go off into the woods an' die.

  2. It's still winter... March is almost here.
    I'd go watch a video of the squirrels sliding down the pole!

    1. Sure wish I had seen it and got a video of it. Things like that happen fast and unexpected, so it is hard to get a picture of it.

  3. Never heard of that, BB. How could that matter? Noticed any less squirrels around, DD?
    And DD, did you get the wipers on or NOT? lmaooo

    1. Yep, I got them on. The repair place called and said the Jeep should be ready tomorrow afternoon.

  4. Years ago I drove a new car home... couldn't figure out how to undo my seat belt. Had to honk the horn until my young (maybe 10 years old) came out and undid it. So... what you need is some young snot-nosed kid around.... they know everything ;-)

    1. The trouble is I don't have a ten year old around to help me out.

  5. Maybe if you started cussing in French while you banged on the controls, or is it Italian? Should've asked if they had a Yugo.

    1. I was about ready to tell it "Yogo", I will take my Jeep back.

  6. I used to spray the pole with WD-40, and the squirrels would slide down in a circular motion, just like firemen sliding down the pole! Funniest thing I've ever seen, but they knew if they kept trying they would eventually wear off the WD-40.

  7. Glad you got the controls figured out...after you got home :D

    I think we are all freezing to death in Texas tonight, I sure am!

    1. Right now at 07:55, it is 31 degrees here in sunny, warm east Texas.

  8. Remember the days when the bright lights were turned on by tapping a button on the floor? I got a rent car when the new-fangled idea of pulling the light lever toward you came out. Could not figure it out, and drove all over Rhode Island with brights on. That was in '81, don't know if those yankees will let me back on their island...

    1. Yes, I remember that. That was hard to adjust to, for sure.
