Friday, March 7, 2014

Answers to Moon Questions and etc.

As I promised yesterday, here are the answers to the quiz.  For those of you who didn't see my post yesterday, I listed five planets and eight moons and asked you to match the moons to the planets.  Here are the answers:

1. Mars - Demos
2. Jupiter - Ganymede and Thebe
3. Saturn - Janus and Pandora
4. Uranus - Miranda and Titania
5. Neptune - Triton

Speaking of astronomy and the planets, moons, and stars, do you remember Bill Nye the science guy?

Not only does he view and study the stars, he also dances with the stars!!  Don't believe me?  Then click: HERE then wait for it to load and then pan down.

Well Trouble in Texas at I heard that you watch that show, did you see Mr. Nye on it last Fall?  He got himself injured on that show: 

Now, you all have a great day and don't hurt yourself dancing with any stars, you hear?


  1. No don't watch that one, i watch "so you think you can dance",,, not the """"stars"""" that's a joke,,, And i don't remember that guy either.

    1. Maybe you don't remember him because you are not into science. I am sure a lot of people haven't heard of him.

    2. You're right, not into science, the teacher passed me in general science or i wouldn't have had my requirements.

  2. No TV... can't dance.... seldom up late enough to even see the stars.... I'm a real dud. But I would have guessed Neptune has a moon named Triton... isn't that the spear-like thing that Neptune carries?

    1. Not sure, but there was sea god named Triton.

  3. If most people can't remember which of these beautiful and memorable names belong together, you should do a post using the letters & numbers used by astronomers! I don't understand why they can't name a star or a planet or a galaxy - who but an astronomer remembers that silly code of theirs. How can they observe the beautiful universe and then be so unimaginative.

    1. Just don't tell a mathematician that numbers aren't beautiful.

    2. Now,,, there you go,,, love numbers... lol

    3. I'm certainly not a mathemeticial, but I think mathematics is beautiful, and somehow applies to everything in the universe. But I think words and names are beautiful too, and far more memorable to the majority of people

    4. Yea, Trouble, I love numbers, especially 36-24-36 or there abouts (grin).

    5. Gypsy, I am sure the astronomers have named most everything, but I would have to take a lot of time researching to find them. In fact, everything I know in the night sky has a name.

    6. Now, DD, just WHAT do you have your mind on??? lmaoooo

  4. I'm sorry I missed your previous posting. I'm rather pleased I knew all the answers. I shall be dancing among the stars and tripping on the big dipper....

    Have a good one, y'all :)

    1. Yes, you now know the answers, no need to go back. (Grin)
