Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wondering about the Jacobson's Organ.

No, it ain't anything like a Hammond Organ and as far as I know, it doesn't produce any music.  It is part of most every living thing, but some creatures make more use of it than others.  Humans seem not to use it except for some pregnant women.  The human fetus has it but it seems to shrink up later in life.  The one animal that makes a lot use of it is the snake.  Let's look at the rattlesnake for example.
 The snake's Jacobson's organ is located in the front of the roof of its mouth where it can be reached by its tongue.

 It waves its tongue about in the air and picks up scents that it then transfers into its Jacobson's organ.  There the scent is decoded and the organ signals the brain to let it know what the tongue was sensing.  Other animals have one but I believe it is the snake that makes the most use of it.
Now, stay away from poisonous snakes and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Last time I licked a ladies neck an' licked the drooled ice cream off'n her chin, I got me all kinds of sensations. Does that mean I got me one them things???

  2. Last time I got bit by a poisonous snake I didn't stop to ask about any of its organs... I just wanted those fangs out of my hand and get on my way to the hospital. (that was maybe 25 years ago when I got bit by a copperhead)

    1. My wife got bit by a copperhead and she got mad because I wouldn't take her to the doctor. I was watching it and I don't didn't think it was necessary to go. Although she will not let me forget it, I was right.

  3. The world is a different place for critters with different senses.

    1. Since they can't read the ingredients, they have to be able to sense what they may be eating.

  4. I don't dislike snakes but try not to get too close to them.

    1. I always thought that snakes were beautiful, but were something to respect.

  5. I hope they decide i'm not good. lol

    1. Sure hope they don't have to bite you first to find out, but rather just give you a lick. . .

  6. Ugh...I so dislike snakes. We have about 10-15 rattlesnakes a year on the farm with only one bite thus far~on our Great Pyrenees.

    My dislike and fear is not something that stops me from being very aware of my steps as I am out, and if necessary, I can't take care of the snake myself, as my husband works in the city and I am alone at times.

    Good information...we must never cease increasing what we know!

