Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wondering about Planets and their Moons.

Let's have a little fun today by playing a game.  I am going to make two lists, one of the planets in our solar system and one list of some of the moons.  I then want you all to match the moons with the planet that it orbits.  Now that is easy, right?  Well, did you know that there are 146 permanent natural moons and 27 temporary moons orbiting our solar system's eight major planets.  Now, it doesn't sound all that easy, right?  OK, I am only going to use five (5) planets and eight (8) moons.  Let's see how you do on the test:


1. Mars
2. Jupiter
3. Saturn
4. Uranus
5. Neptune


A. Triton
B. Miranda
C. Thebe
D. Ganymede
E. Pandora
F. Janus
G. Titania
H. Deimos

Good luck, and by the way, I only got a couple right.  I recognized all of them, but with my CRS, I couldn't remember where they all lived.  Maybe you all can do better.  Now don't cheat by looking them up.  Of course if you can't match any of them, go ahead and look them up.  I will give the answers in my blog post tomorrow.

Have a great day and don't forget to look up every clear night, you may be surprised what all you see, you hear?


  1. Hey Diz, where are the familiar ones such as Io and Europa? I halfway recognized Ganymede but don't know who the others belong to. Good test. I failed!

    1. Jupiter has lots of moons including one on my list and Europa.

  2. Miranda? That was the name of the planet in the movie "Serenity" wasn't it?

    1. I didn't see the movie so I don't know. Could be.

  3. I got a goose egg. Zip, zero, nada. Now, don't I feel smart?

  4. Earth / moon. I know that was not on list, but I didn't want to get skunked .How come our moon is just called "moon"? Why not a cool name like them other orbiting prima donnas?

    1. When it was named "moon" it was the only one that was known about at the time. Maybe you ought to start a campaign to give it a more unique name?

  5. No way could I even begin to answer these..... I'm happy just going outside at night and seeing Venus or Mars when they're visible..... too much for this weak brain today.

    1. Like I said at the end of my blog, look up at night. There is a lot to see. Then try binoculars and you will see more. With binoculars you can see the nebulosity in Orion's sword, the move up to a telescope and "WOW"!!
