Friday, February 21, 2014

Wondering Around RV's Front Yard.

I just wanted to show you what is outside the door of our RV as it sits here in Huntsville State Park.  Someone who works here must have cleared off most of the Palmetto plants growing between the RV parking areas and the water's edge.  For those of you who know how large Palmettos get will realize how large this pile is!  That someone did more work than I would want to do: 
Directly in front of our RV, this is what you see just in from the shoreline:
Yep, it was either alligators or hogs (and I have not seen any prints or signs of hogs but have seen lots of alligator signs and have seen lots of alligators here in the past).  I keep quite alert when walking our dogs and don't let them get too close to the water's edge.
This ugly, wind blown, old man took a self portrait.  He must have been concentrating really hard on what he was trying to do or he was in a really bad mood.  (I was concentrating.  Don't do that very much and it must have hurt - grin)
(My wife said to take my picture off.  I did.  Sure don't want to scare any little kids) 
This is our youngest pup.  She was a rescue dog and had a name before we got her.  Her name was Gizmo but we just call her Gizzy.  (Hey, that rhymes with Dizzy)
All three of our pups just love to go RVing and are always ready for me to take them on walks so they can explore and so our male can mark all the trees.  In a forest this large, he will probably loose half his weight before he gets home (grin).  This will be our last full day here.  We will be heading home tomorrow but will stop at the flea market before going home.  If you read my post about the trip up here, than you know that this big diesel pusher is the only vehicle I have to get around in until I can get the insurance adjuster out to the house and then maybe get a rental car.
Got down to 55 degrees over night.  Had to light the furnace this morning to take the chill out of the air.  The overhead AC with the heat strip quit working.  I prefer to heat this rig with electric but my propane tank is pretty full, so everything is just fine.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Not sure what you are asking, but there is my wife and I and our three dogs. If you are asking how many alligators there are here, I don't know for sure, but have seen a few.

    2. Neither,, lmaooo,, was asking about other campers.,, Rigs..

  2. I bet I'm not the only one who wishes you'd left that picture up.... you know.... curious minds and all ;-) Hope your travel home is safe... have fun at the flea market!

    1. Thanks for good wishes for the ride home. I, too, hope it is a safe and uneventful trip.

  3. I think it is really difficult to take a decent self portrait. My granddaughter is a pro at it, but mine all look like mug shots at the county jail.

    1. Your granddaughter probably has a better subject for a self portrait than I do, for sure... Mine looked like horror show marque.

  4. Now ya got me to "wondering".....why cain't you drive the Jeep? Change that flat tire, remove that plastic thingy an' go.
    Somehows I got the idea you was headed for Colorado. Find out you only went bout 10 miles or so. What's the deal?

    Last time I seen alligators in the campground was over there in Louisiana. Two them suckers come right up in my front yard look'n for handouts.....or dogs.

    1. May be able to drive it, but I can't drive two vehicles at once, so did the next best thing, got someone to take it back home for me. Out of sight out of mind. . . until you mentioned it!!

  5. Well I always show up late, so I missed your picture.

    I did not know you were just going up the road...for some reason I thought you were headed back to the Davis Mountains.

    1. Missing my picture, according to my wife, was a good thing. That is why she had me take it off. She said it was a terrible picture.

  6. What is in the picture? My eyesight's not so good, but what was I SUPPOSED to see? And, why.....why, why, why does this world have so many rescue dogs? Mine is a rescue, and was replaced by MORE dogs that need rescued. Why are these types of people prone to having lots of dogs????

    Sorry. I just got angry all over your comment section.

    1. It was a self portrait of me standing next to a huge pine tree. I wanted to show how huge the trunk was. I think people should be treated the same way they treat their pets and other animals. Our pups get special home cooked meals prepared by my wife. And they say a dog's life is not too great??? Our pups have it made!!

  7. haha.... your wife ! I trusted her on the chicken post and I'll guess I'll trust gizmo ... hahaaa... how cute

    1. That is not the complete comment.. HAHAAaaa.... let's see what I said.. .and what the hell happened ... I swear!

      hmmm. chicken post ... so I guess I'll trust her on the selfie... my guess would be that you had on black and red plaid britches with a yellow and turquoise shirt ... and a purple cap.

      I used to dress my husband before I let him out in public...

      THEN I said ... Gizmo... how cute... with a haaaaa in there...

