Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wondering who that tree looks like?

Took me a nice long walk yesterday.  It was a beautiful day but a little on the warm side for this time of year even here in East Texas.  But I did see a tree that looks like someone I saw on TV.  Who do you think it resembles?

It reminds me of Jimmy Durante, the "Schnoz" or "Schnozzola", as he was called, who had an abundant nose, to say the least.  Remember him:

Also, on this walk, there were a lot of leaves on the ground from last fall.  This one on the road caught my attention.  It was the one and only one I saw this huge:

Can anyone tell me what tree it grew on?

Speaking of trees, this one was playing host to a lot of fungus:

Just above the inlet into the main lake, was this fast running little stream of water.  This little stream seams insufficient to fill, or for that matter, keep a lake as large as Raven lake filled.

This next picture was taken where I turned around and headed back around the lake.  We are camped on the other side and quite a ways down the main body of the lake.

When I got back over on the side of the lake we are camped on, but quite a ways away, I took this picture.

The weather has been great up until now.  It just started to rain.  Since I haven't checked the weather lately, I will just assume that it will end shortly and I can get back out side where I like to be.  Until then, I guess I will just sit on the couch, read blogs, and play video games.

May there always be a ray of sunshine in your lives and please, have great day, you hear?


  1. Welll,, you finally did it! Took that home away from home,,lol. Hope yall have a real good time.
    Good pics, btw.

    1. Yep, finally. Glad to be out even if I messed the Jeep up and had to have it hauled back home.

  2. Cain't wait to see all the pics of Colorado.....

    1. I got some good ones from back in 1959 but they are all on slides. If you got a projector, I got the slides. . .

  3. Replies
    1. A Bur Oak leave doesn't get that big, at least I have never seen any that size. It does resemble one, but I don't believe it is one. But you may be right. It may just be on extra hormones or something. . . or maybe a little hanky-panky going on in the woods.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would have to say that leaf is from some kind of oak. Yep, I remember Jimmy Durante.

    1. I use to watch his TV show. He used to say "Inka dinka doo" or something like that.

  6. Looks like it's in the Quercus (oak) family, but I'm not that familiar with what could be growing in Texas. Nevermind that leaf... those boots look mighty classy! Goodnight Mrs Calabash... wherever you are.

    1. I figured it was some kind of oak, maybe ornamental that got came in someone's pickup truck or camper. Those boots have been around a long time and have walked in states from Pennsylvania to western Arizona. And yes, they have been resoled.

  7. Cha, Cha, cha...The leaf is in the oak family. what kind of oak??? Liking the boots! No hornets yet! I read that they all die in the fall, except for the queens who leave the nest and hibernate elsewhere. They never return to old nests, they lay eggs and make new nests every year. Liking Moonbeam more and more, might have to make it legal!

    1. We have bugs around here all year long. Except for a very few years when it got below freezing long enough to kill some of them off. I am sitting in the RV, and it is in the 70's here and has been for the past week. Maybe it will cool off soon.

  8. Certainly resembles Durante to me! Very funny man!

    1. I guess with a nose like his he had to funny. He probably turned to comedy to make the kids laugh at his jokes instead of his nose. . . who know.

  9. I think it looks like the proboscis monkey … hahaa..

    LOVE Jimmy Durante… Good night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are…

    1. I aways wondered who and where Mrs. Calabash was. And now that you mention it, that tree does look like the Proboscis monkey.

  10. According to legend in Calabash, N.C., comedian Jimmy Durante and his troupe passed through the little Brunswick County town sometime in the 1940s. While there, he made friends with a young restaurant owner.

    Brunswick County historian Susie Carson says that woman was Lucille “Lucy” Coleman, a claim repeated in Theresa Jensen Lacey’s “Amazing North Carolina.” Soon afterward, Durante adopted his trademark sign-off — “Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are!” — for his radio show. According to Coleman’s daughter, Clarice Holden, and others, it was Durante’s anonymous tip of the hat to her mother, who died in 1989.

    There are other explanations, none of them confirmed or denied by Jimmy Durante.

    1. Thanks for the info. I didn't know any of that.

  11. I remember Jimmy Durante, and his prominent nose.

    However, at least to me that tree resembles a small penis.

  12. The psychology phenomenon known as pareidolia, a propensity to pick out faces from everyday objects and structures.

    MsBelinda has some other psychological phenomenon going on. (As she would then say ja ja ja ja )

    1. I see faces in wall paper designs and a lot of other things. I guess I got that "pareidolia" for sure.
