Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wandering Back Home, but First. . .

This morning was departure morning from the state park and heading back home time.  But all did not go as well as it could.  Yep, should the trip home be better than the trip up there?  I guess not.  Remember the picture of my rear right dully tires being off the ground?  Well, if not, I will post it again:
After I got all the slides in and everything unplugged and unhooked, I figured it was time to say goodbye to the campground and head back down the road.  Everything was secure, all the dogs were in and ready to hit the road, so all I needed to do was raise the leveling jacks.  I got in, fired up the engine, and pushed the retract jacks button.  This RV has a mind of its own and I am not sure which jack it started to raise first but there was a lot of loud noises and the rear of the bus was moving to the down hill side.
I figured they were ruined and I was stuck at that camp site.  But, not to be deterred, I got out my tire iron and used it as a pry bar.  A spring had come off and they were pushed at an angle.  It took all the strength this old man could muster to force them up ever so slowly.  Lying on the concrete and straining to get them both up in place (the front two came up on their own - thank goodness) was way too much for this old body.  Sorry, I was way to busy to even think about taking a picture. 
My wife wanted to go to the flea market, so we headed there first.  We got to the flea market without any further problems.  The dogs and I stayed in the RV.  I didn't feel like getting out and walking around.  My wife, of course, did and, of course, brought some goodies home.  She wants to go back tomorrow and told one of her friends that she would show her the inside then, when the dogs were back home.  Not sure if I will try to make the Jeep drivable until the claims adjuster shows up next week.  Like Billy Bob said, it should still be drivable.  Hope he is right and nothing serious happened to the front end.  I am going to relax the rest of the day and I hope you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Good Grief! When it rains it pours! Maybe you should just get out there and travel more often... kind of even out the bad stuff ;-)

  2. Ok, I missed something. I see you were messing with the return springs, but what went wrong with the leveling jacks that has your tires off the ground?

    1. The spot I was assigned was on quite a slope. To level the RV, it lifter the right rear drive wheels off the ground. If I had know it was going to be extended that far, I would have put a second board under it.

    2. "To level the RV, it lifter. . " That last word should have been "lifted". Typo, sorry.

  3. I think you need to rest for a few days to get over having to get on the ground with the tire iron and do all that strenuous pushing and pulling!

    1. That sounds like a good excuse to take it easy. You will find me on the couch. . . .

  4. My goodness Dizzy when it rains it pours!

    Forgive my naiveness (is that even a word?) but what would have happened if you did not use the leveling jacks and just parked it as is?

    1. It was quite a slope and if you laid on the couch you would roll off. The refrigerator prefers it to be level as do I.

  5. Hope you're ok,, sounds like something you needed help with. Not good to strain yourself like that. BE MORE CAREFUL! lol

    1. Now that I got it home, I need more help for sure. See Sunday's posting.

  6. That getting on the ground and getting back up can get ya! Should have seen me after the first day in the garden!

    Just don't over-do, buddy!
