Sunday, February 23, 2014

It has not been a good week.

I told you about the problem with the Jeep.  It didn't stop there.  We took the motor-home out this morning and the alarm (which is loud enough for a deaf person to hear) would not shut off.  It didn't sense that the levelers where up.  What changed over night?  Well, I just drove around the block and came back to the house.  On the last curve in my driveway, I side-swiped a tree.  Not good.  You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

 This next picture shows the leveler with out the base plate which I had to remove to drive the RV.  This happened this morning.
 And another picture of the passenger side looking from the rear to the front.
 Also, the cover to the magic vent was partially ripped off:

Guess I will not be going any place else soon.  Oh yes, my laptop just quit working and I had to borrow my wife's.  Hope you all have a better day than I did.


  1. Oh Dizzy, I am so sorry to hear that.

    Guess you will be calling the tree cutting guy again? On the bright side both the Jeep and RV problems happened at home or close to home.

    1. I have been in and out of my driveway many times with the RV and only the first night did I have a problem and that tree was cut down the next day. Yep, glad I wasn't in another state..

  2. There is no bright side when you swipe a tree. Tonight, after dark, you'll be out there with your flashlight, hoping it suddenly looks better than you first thought. Then there's all that ass kicking you give yourself, knowing the tree didn't jump in front of you and it's all your fault. Did I nail it?

    1. Now lotta joy, that tree just reached out and touched me.

  3. I think your run of bad luck must be about over... don't you? Hopefully those mishaps can be repaired without too much cost or time. And, of course, the good thing is there's been no injuries!

    1. It sure didn't do my blood pressure any good. Dang!! I get mad at myself sometimes.

  4. Omercy!! DD, by the time i read that last part, i was cracking up!! hahahaha,,,Soooo Sorry! I had read your comment on lotta's blog, and didn't know what you were talking about..
    I know i have a sick sense of humor...

    1. I will laugh about it. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.

  5. Sorry to hear about your luck. Lets hope the bad is over with.

    1. It is always nice to have luck, but mine has been a little on the bad side.

  6. Dad burn it Dizzy, I feel sad for ya. I know what I would do first thing....cut that damn tree down to the ground. Then fix what got broke.
    Don't let this stop you from dream'n bout go'n down the road a hunnert mile a hour. There's also the possibility you may need to think bout downsize'n

    1. This rig is what I have wanted for a long time. Don't think I will down size. Been there, done that and much prefer this rig.

  7. Hope things turn around for you soon.

    1. Now that it is dark, things look a lot better (grin).

  8. Bad luck just seems to be following you around as of late.Might want to get you a rabbit's foot or a horse shoe!

    1. I walked down to my son's house where he keeps 30 some show rabits, but he wouldn't give me any of their feet.

  9. Replies
    1. Yep, but I wonder if it will be better or worse.

  10. Now with all that bad luck things surely have to get better, right?

    1. My dad always told me that no matter how bad things get, they can always get worse. . .

  11. Bad tree, bad tree. You're fine though, right?

  12. Dizzy, sorry about the damage to that fine motorhome. I have always said though that if money can fix it, it is not that bad of a problem. Good luck.

    Max from Illinois.

    1. I just get awfull mad at myself for doing stupid things!!

  13. The Odd Essay said " Hopefully those mishaps can be repaired without too much cost or time."

    Sad to say that is wishful thinking on her part . I backed into a 3' post that did a sideswipe like that and tore the back bumper off when I pulled forward. Most people have NO idea how expensive it is to get a RV repaired. I feel your pain! I am still mad at myself but not nearly as much as those first couple of days after I did my stupid thing.

    1. You are sure right about everything costing more for RVs.

  14. Hey Dizzy I feel for ya about those HWH jacks I did a dummy thing also parking in the Flying J the other night coming back up Fla when I put the back ones down I thought I was past the curb and on the grass but one jack was half on the curb and made that nasty sound as the the plate and spring went flying.And like you I had to lay in the snow and with the crowbar and blocks had to push it back up into it's collar. As for the tree man that just makes me cry looking at it. Hey at least you steps weren't out and No don't ask me why I know that one....

    1. It is now the middle of March and I haven't seen the adjuster yet. Will have to call tomorrow and find out why.
