Monday, January 27, 2014

Wondering what to post.

OK, I got nothing!!  I seem rather brain  dead today and just can't come up with something fascinating, educational, humorous, intellectual, earth shaking, or just great reading.  In other words this is a non-blog post. . . or whatever.  My wife tells me not to post about the weather, that no one is interested and anyway, everybody has weather.  Even though they are predicting freezing rain and maybe snow, although when I got up this morning it was in the 60's and now it is down to 54 and dropping as the cold front comes through, I will not talk about it.  Just ignore what I said about the weather.

I also promised to tell you today what that gadget was that I posted about yesterday.  It was designed to cut strips of wool cloth that then could be made into things like rugs.  I am sure the strips could be used for many things other than rugs and I bet it could cut different stuff.  I guess I will have to experiment with it.  I believe it was originally used to cut wool material.  Whatever it is, the one thing I know for sure is that we now are proud owners of one.  It even had the original paper work for it.  It was made by Rittermere Crafts Studio, ltd., Ontario, Canada.  Karren of KarenInTheWoods Karen Pfundtner was the first to say what it is.  She wondered what her prize will be.  Well, it will be a great big "atta girl".   Now, you all stay warm and cozy and have a great day, you hear?


  1. My grandma used to make hooked rugs with strips of wool, but I don't remember that she had one of those gadgets to cut the strips. Congrats to Karen, but I'm not surprised that she recognized it.

    1. This is the first one I have ever seen. Wouldn't just a sharp pair of shears work just as well? No I guess not, the strips wouldn't come out the same width.

    2. It probably wouldn't matter if the edges weren't perfectly razor straight, because I believe you fold one side of the strip into the middle, and then the other side, so there are no edges showing in the rug. Karen can correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. What to post... You could find a picture you like and make something up that would fit with that picture? Maybe the picture would inspire you?

    1. I did look through a few hundred digital pictures that I have taken, but I have used most all of them sometime or another during my blogging career. I used to blindly open a dictionary and put my finger on a page. That word would then be the basis of my blog. That was fun.

  3. I wanna know what's go'n on around the house. You know, like when was the last time ya cranked up that JD' what ya run into with it.

    1. Had the big tractor hauled out of here and the little JD lawn tractor is sitting under a tarp until the grass starts growing.

    2. See there Dizzy, that's blog'n material....not comment material.

  4. I wanted to say something like "Are you and Dusty out there cutting the rug?" yesterday, but that was just too punny..... But you know, D., you could write about anything and it's interesting.

    1. "Cutting the rug", now that does give me a grin. I like that kind of humor, in fact, I like most kinds of humor if it ain't too raunchy. Oh thank you, for saying that I am interesting. I like that, too.

  5. when is your camel showing up? Here is something for you to look up weather wise, snow rollers. I have them! It's -10 here today, no school again.

    1. It hasn't gotten that dry here yet, so no desert.

    2. I have heard about snow rollers but have never seen them in person.
