Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wondering, how do you abbreviate pound?

Most abbreviations make sense to me, but not all of them.  These are the ones that make some sense to me: WTH (What The Heck), or YL (Young Lady), or XYL (Married Lady) [the last two are from amateur radio], or Tat (Tattoo), or Moonlight (to work a second job), or millions of more that I know you have heard.  But some just don't.  Those that don't can make sense if you look into their history.  How about I list a few that don't make sense at first.

lb. - Yes, we all know that it means pound.  So why is it lb. instead of pd. or pnd. or . . . well you get the idea, right?

Moon. - To show ones hind end.  Then there must be a half moon for half assed people?

Boats. - Based on a true story.

OPPS - Zero Pixels Per Second.

Z  -  So why is "Z" a unit of sleep?  Yes, I got my Zs last night.

NA -  Not Available, is what first comes to mind but there are lots of other words that use the same abbreviation.  A lot of abbreviations are like this and you have decide the meaning by the way it is used, or don't take the lazy way out and write it out in full.

And of course the ones that do make sense:

RV. - Most of us know that means Recreational Vehicle.

Ms. and Mrs. - Ms. is for Miss, an unmarried woman and Mrs. is for a married woman.  (So does Mrs mean Mister's Sweetie?)

Cont. - Continued.

ASAP. - As soon as possible.

AA. - Alcoholics Anonymous

Alt. - Altitude

I could go on and on and on but you would surely get bored and bored and bored.  So, I will let you all add some of your favorite abbreviations in your comments.  So HAND (Have A Nice Day) you hear?


  1. Guess I'm showing my age... but I knew that libra/pound thing... but don't have a clue about most of the texting abbreviations that kids use these days.

    1. I don't text, so don't know those abbreviations. I use a phone to talk on. I just have one of those old flip phones.

  2. Somewhere, i found a list, but DK where it is now....

  3. The obvious meaning of "DK" is Don't Know, but it could mean a lot more. Like Darling Kids or Dang Klutzy or . . .

  4. I've always used # for pound but I hear it's not the pound sign any more. I'm used to these changes, 'gay' used to mean happy... the language evolves...
    If I'm texting I use "lb" or #

    1. First off, I can't spell worth a dang and I am too old to change now and I use the # for pound if I want to. (grin)

  5. Always wondered what the @ meant.

    1. There is no other word in the English language, except maybe "at". In French it is called arobase and in Spanish it is arroba. Got that from Wikipedia.

  6. I have always used # for pound, and will continue to do so. What's with the "hashtag" that tweeters use? I usually even refuse to acknowledge it - but I don't tweet anyway.

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, got ice and it is still here. Suppose to get up in the 70's later this week.

  8. # your head if you don't get that rv out to play!

  9. I still get confused when some of these abbreviations are used because they usually don't mean what I think they mean. Sometimes I just ask the person to clarify what is being said. Some mistakes can be damaging especially when it comes to texting, ha ha ha ha. I don't want to make any more mistakes.

    1. I don't text, so don't have to learn and use those abbreviations. I get confused very easily.

  10. I knew them all except BOATS or OPPS and YL and XYL … you can still be a young lady and be married.. I don't like the word lady … that's right… I don't… that's the name of a dog…. ;)

    So… I'm either a genius or old… ha

    I have to correct your Ms definition … Ms was given to women who needed a label to be addressed … this was due primarily to resumes … as with men… Mr. can denote married or not married… Ms can denote married or not married BEEeeeause marital status should not be considered in certain circumstances.

    dontcha see

    1. YL designates an single women whereas XYL doesn't mean she is not young anymore, it just means she is not single anymore. XYL means the women is someone's wife. I guess it should be SL in stead.
