Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wondering about Flea Market Finds.

My wife spent a few hours at one guy's tables.  I walked all over the flea market and came back and she was still there.  So, I went way down to the other end, bought a bottle of Mexican Coca-Cola and went and sat down at a friends table and chatted with him for awhile.  It got to be time for me to want to go home so I went back to that first isle and, yep, she was still there.  I told her I was going home and if she wanted a ride she better come too.  She said OK, and she had her bag full.  She got all kinds of fabric, brand new sheets, and a lots of other things.  I am going to just show you some of them.

I am going to show you a bunch of pictures of this one item.  Each picture will be from a different angle or distance.

OK now, how many of you know just what this piece of equipment is?  How big is it, you may ask.  Well, I can hold it in one hand.  The crank handle gives you a clue of the size.  I am not going to tell you what it is used for until tomorrow.  I want to see what you all come up with.  Join in and have some fun guessing.

She also got a neat belt buckle shaped like two hands.  One goes on each end of a belt and the clasp together.  Never saw a buckle like that.  Then she got some camel bells.  I guess all we need now is a camel. . .

Here is a close up of the tag that tell you all about them:

Guess what?  I even got a couple of books.  One was on diesel engines used on railroads, etc.  It is a mess and I am trying to clean it up.  May have to read it outside.  It smells too bad to bring it in the house.

I also bought this other book:

At my age, I probably could write a book like this but I had to get something from one of my buddies who sets up every week.  Maybe I should read it anyway, I may learn something.  Who knows.

By the way, that first item I showed you?  My wife looked it up on the Internet and they are selling for ten to twenty times more than she paid for hers.  I guess she did good.  Let's hope she gets a lot of use out of it.  It is a simply beautiful day here.  Hope you all have a great day, you hear?

UPDATE:  OK, some of you commenters got it right.  It was designed to cut strips of cloth that then could be made into things like rugs.


  1. Nice haul at the flea market, but I don't have a clue what that first item is.

    1. See Jill's and Karen's answer. They got it right.

  2. Replies
    1. No, but I wonder if it would open cans (grin).

  3. It's either a ravioli maker or a machine to press your neckties after you wash them.

    1. Neckties? What the heck is a necktie?? And no, it ain't a ravioli maker.

  4. My sister-in-law goes to flea markets and yard sales... buys stuff... then sells it at her own yard sale.... she thinks of it all as a sport ;-) I asked Bill if he knew what your item is, but he's never been much into crafts.

    1. Oh, it is close enough to tomorrow. It cuts strips of wool fabric for making rugs. I suppose it could cut strips of most anything that is thin.

  5. Methinks that tool is for cutting some sorts of fabrics.

  6. DING DING Ding what do I get for the winning answer???? (any rug weaver would know this one). Its a Fraser rag cutter to cut strips of rag for weaving. Rigby makes one too. Worth about $75 or so. New they ate over $100.

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  7. Oops I hadn't checked prices lately.... New are $300!!! I sold two about ten years ago for $50 each to a friend.

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Correct, and she got it for $20.00. Quite a bargain.

    2. If wants to post it for sale, I can give her a yahoo group to join to post it ...

  8. It's amazing what treasures you can find at a flea market. Although, not like I'd want any, but I've never seen fleas sold at a flea market. Did you know that a flea market is call a car boot sale in Britain? And no, I never saw a car boot for sale.

    Have a good one.


    1. I wouldn't doubt that one could find fleas there at the flea market, although my pups wouldn't want me to bring any of home to them.

  9. There are some on eBay, but the auctions aren't complete yet. It's good she recognized what it was, even if she just turned around and sold it, she'd make some money. Great find! :)

    1. You just never know what bargains show up at the flea market. My wife is the one who finds them. I have trouble finding something I can't live without, so I don't buy a lot except books for research for ideas for my blog.

  10. I like the camel bells ... they could come in handy if you boondock in the desert ... you never know... I was walking around a pasture here by Heifer International .... I saw something that looked like a camel. I said ... naw... there are no camels in Arkansas... it kept walking toward me and ... it was! ... it was a camel! hah ... nice ol guy ~ I almost petted it... I bet if I had had a bell ... I'd been more comfortable...

    1. A fellow down the road from me has a few camels. He also has a couple of elephants. My son used to work for him as an elephant handler.
