Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wondering about Wild Bird Care and Feeding

My wife bought a couple more bird feeders and two huge bags of "Wild Bird Feed".  What is the difference if the feed is for wild birds or not?  Oh yes, an excuse to charge more.  Anyway, around my place, the birds are getting fat and sassy.  This is the big one she bought and I hung out side:

And this is the smaller one:

The birds just love these feeders, as does one persistent squirrel.  I keep chasing the squirrel away but he keeps coming back.  He chases the birds off and gobbles down the feed.  I keep telling him that squirrel is one of my favorite meals and if he keeps getting fat on the birds' feed, I may just resort to drastic measures. .
I have also hung out a couple of containers of suet.  Other places I have lived, suet was very popular with the birds.  So far, none have touched these:

I had to go get a prescription refilled yesterday.  It was cold yesterday and some sleet and freezing rain had fallen.  In front of the door of the building that my druggist is in, I saw this on the ground, melting:

OK, what does it look like to you?  It isn't very big, about five inches or so.  Is it just an accident of nature or did someone make it?  I can see two feet (upper left)  and two eyes (lower right).  Does the wet spot mean that it was much bigger at one time?  See, I told you it was on the cool yesterday!! 

You all keep warm and well fed and have a great day, you hear?


  1. The best food for wild animals including birds is what they naturally find. Human assistance in feeding wild animals always deteriorates the animals.

    1. That is correct for most birds, but these birds are Democrats!!

    2. Hmmmm strange little snow sculpture!!!

      Karen and Steve
      (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  2. I love to put feeders out where I can watch them. So, you go, boy! My cat it my problem....Twice I've seen red feathers,,,darn it. I explained to him,,, get the sparrows! Now I don't have any cardinals outside my kitchen window in my crepe myrtle.

    1. After you found the feathers, did your cat have a big grin on its face?

    2. yeah, around that gopher he was carrying,,,,

  3. I have a flock of beautiful cardinals at my feeder. As soon as I get the camera out they vanish. I don't mind the squirrels, we feed them ends of bread, stuff like that.

    1. When all those birds come around that I want to get a picture of, they always fly off just before I get the camera out of the bag. There is plenty of food on my place for the squirrels, but they like the ease of just chasing the birds off the feeder and helping them selves.

  4. I feed the birds no matter where we're at. If I were back in Ohio right now I'd be filling feeders a couple times a day... they need all the help they can get during icy weather. You'll be rewarded by their beautiful song and colors. The suet will attract woodpeckers as well as others... they'll come eventually.

    1. There is no shortage of food around here. The squirrels prefer to take the easy way and rob the bird feeders.

  5. The squirrels will always triumph!

    1. I am sure the will in my case. Squirrels and roaches will triumph over man. . . I read where roaches can survive a nuclear war. Guess we better get used to them.

  6. bird are democrats… HAhaaa…. oh, me…. when I had bird feeders, I went to a bird feeder store and they told me what seeds and such attracted what birds….

    …seems Cardinals like black sunflower seeds…. black something or other… woodpeckers like suet… fun to watch them hang on the feeder…

    1. I used to raise sunflowers and hang the heads out in the winter and the cardinals just loved them. As far as that goes, I love sunflower seeds, too.
