Friday, January 24, 2014

Wondering about a Chill in East Texas

The news last night was full of warnings of a severe cold front heading for sunny, warm East Texas.  They said it may even get down to freezing or below with sleet and freezing rain.  Now remember, I spent the first half of my life living in Western Pennsylvania so I know what cold and winter is.  Even though I have lived here for nearly thirty-five years, I still remember the snow and ice and cold of a Pennsylvania winter.  But, like all the rest of us around here, my blood has "thinned out", so they say, and I get cold when it gets below seventy degrees.  Well, I am not quite that bad, yet, but I do notice the cold and it takes me a little longer to get used to it.

How cold is it?  Well let me show you some pictures that I just now took.  This is a picture of my deck:

No, that isn't snow, it is ice.  We had both freezing rain and sleet overnight.  It is very unusual for us to get this, but you know, because of the global warming all kinds of strange weather will be happening, right??

OK, and what was the temperature this morning a little after 08:00?

In case you can't see it in the picture, the thermometer on my screened in porch shows twenty-eight degrees.  Now, I would think that would be cold in any one's book, except maybe the Eskimos.  Of course, according to last night's news on TV, it was a lot warmer in Alaska than it was here in sunny, warm East Texas.  Now, you all keep warm and cozy and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Yup..... And we are facing records lows in the next four days up here in Wisconsin....a tad bit colder than you guys....heh heh. Enjoy what you got!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Yep, I am glad I moved down this way a long time ago.

    2. On the other side of the coin, it's going up to a balmy 73 here today, when we desperately need rain, snow ad ice! We are facing a summer of water shortages, forest fires, etc. I'd trade some cold weather, especially that cold Wisconsin snow, for a couple days of Sacramento sun.

    3. Oh yes, it will get warm here real soon, too. We did need some rain but this is was only a drop in the bucket compared to what we need.

  2. And tomorrow we will have upper 60s, then 70s Sunday,,

    1. Yep, living here you can always count on it warming up quick.

  3. Our son-in-law, in Glen Rose, e-mailed us that he took our motorhome to fill up the propane tank... the thermostat is set REAL low, but those temps y'all are having have taken the toll on the LP!

    1. Except for one real cold night, I have just been running the heat strips in both the roof AC units. The propane furnace uses floor ducts, so it would keep the basement warmer than the roof units. But I think electric is cheaper than propane, but not sure. I also hear my home with an electric furnace and I just got an electric bill for over four hundred bucks for last month. It is cheaper to take a trip, turn the thermostat down in the house and head for a state park someplace.

  4. Similar here in Baton Rouge ... roads are closed and Mississippi River bridges are all closed due to ice

    1. When I lived up north, ice and snow didn't stop me from going where ever I wanted, but down here the drivers don't know how to drive in that stuff and I try to stay home out of their way.

  5. Exactly ... the ice is too dangerous in the south ... no matter what or how you try to explain the folk who come from up nawth... about the ice... they don't 'get it' until they hit a patch and spin about a few times...

    12 degrees here... snow coming Tuesday .,.. hiss

    1. Now Carolyn, you just keep that snow and stuff up your way. I am just not used to it anymore. When I lived in western Pennsylvania, I loved the winter, except, most people kept their homes way too hot. It seemed the colder it got outside the higher they turned the thermostat. Not me.

  6. The temperature was 2 degrees this morning at our cabin up in the Pennsylvania mountains. I have no idea what the wind chill factor was but it was really cold.

    1. I remember the Pennsylvania winters. Back in '49 or '50 we had about four feet. We were stranded (as was everyone) for days. My dad had to crawl out a window to shovel the snow away from the door so it could be opened. Wonderful for a young boy. I had fun in that snow.
