Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wondering back from the flea market.

Sorry I am late posting, but we spent more time than usual at the flea market.  My wife found many, many bargains and I brought home a Jeep full of all kinds of things.  I, on the other hand, again couldn't find anything that I could not live without.

Another beautiful day here in East Texas.  It is 75 degrees, clear sky, and gentle breeze.  But, this old State can surprise you with sub-zero temperatures without much warning.  I have seen forty plus degree drops in temperature in a very short time; just a few hours.  You know if the wind changes and swings around coming from the north, there ain't nothing between us and the Arctic Circle except a few strands of barbed wire (grin).

I think I will leave you with a chuckle today.  I saw a sign at the flea market that said, "I shot my first turkey today!!  The only problem was that it scared the crap out of the other customers at the meat counter."  I hope after that joke that you can still find a way to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I liked your joke. Dreaming of warmer weather and flea markets opening once again.

    1. One time when I was up your way they had a flea market at one of the old drive-in theaters. The flea markets up your way are a lot different than the ones down here, but they all have hidden treasure that you have to dig out. . .

  2. Antiques to me, are just old junk,,,lol

    1. We very seldom get any antiques, just stuff that we can use or resale.

  3. Sooo no fleas at the flea market?

    (yuck yuck guffawww)

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. I am sure there are, but I tried not to bring any back to our pups. . . .
