Monday, January 13, 2014

Wondering about Numbers.

I use numbers, you use numbers, we all use numbers.  Without numbers we couldn't count unless we had a pile of stones and used them to represent quantities.  Of course, wouldn't that be a form of numbering?  In the occupation I chose for myself, I couldn't have performed my job without the use of numbers.  I just didn't have enough fingers and toes to do the job!  Just think about life without numbers.  So, you say, you will just use Roman Numerals?  Good luck with that!  Just try to do math with Roman Numerals, or work a square root, or how about some algebra or geometry?  Dang, I am glad I am not Roman (grin).

So, who do we thank for our modern numbering system?  Why I suppose that the Egyptians were first, but I have learned that ancient Sumeria, Babylonia, and India used numerals in business transactions.  All of the original numbering systems used some form of "1" for the number one.  That is because it looks like a single finger.  So, just to satisfy your inquiring minds, I will show you what the true Arabic numerals look like:

I can see the one, the nine, and the ten.  They look similar to the numbers we use.  The symbol for the number seven looks like it should be for the five, the one for the number six should be for the seven, and the one for the four should be for the three.  I know I am old, but I wasn't around back then to point out why they should be different.  Oh well, I will stick with the numbers I know and understand so that I will have a good day and I want you all to also have a great day, you hear?


  1. Funny you mentioned that I just found out how much a googol is last nite

  2. A googol is the large number 10100; that is, the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ..( .I see now where google came up with it's name) I googled that.

    1. Thanks for the info. I didn't know that. Now that I know it, I don't know what to do with it (grin).

  3. I wonder if my husband would believe that the reason our check book is such a mess is because I forget which number system I am using... (my hand writing is THE WORST, could help with this story)

    1. That excuse sounds as good as any. Good luck on that.

  4. Finally have internet again and am catching up... 4 days worth (the number 4... hmmmm)... Boudin? LOVE it! Love it fixed all kinds of ways... but one of my favorites is deep fried boudin balls... to die for! Ahhhh... the Northern Lights! We were fortunate enough to be in Manitoba one fall... stayed up nearly all night more than once just to watch the lights play across the sky. What a show! We've seen them in the lower 48, but not nearly as colorful and vibrant as those were. Hey, Diz, Thanks for the e-mail... nope, no monkey cage, just a lot of monkeying around by our landlord.... but... it's good to be back.

    1. Glad to hear from you. I was getting worried. Thought maybe the monkeys uncles got you. . .

    2. Strange how so many civilizations have used very similar numbering systems over the ages.

  5. I like Roman numerals... for some reason they fascinated me when I was trying to pay attention in high school. Algebra? forget it.

    Numbers give me a headache.

    1. I like them, too, but when doing calculations, give me Arabic numbers.

  6. Like you, I ended using math almost everyday at work. I didn't start out expecting my life to go that way. I just grew into it. Funny how things like that turn out.

    1. I always liked math. Good thing I did, I sure had to use it a lot in life and my work.
