Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's a Nice Day!!

It is absolutely a beautiful day.  Perfect temperatures, blue sky, sun shining, and to make it even better, they said this kind of weather will stick around far into next week.  Hey, that would be great!!  Winter time in East Texas, you got to love it!!

My wife just cooked for and fed the dogs.  They are now really happy.  One is licking my arm and making it hard to type, but wouldn't have it any other way.  Now my wife is cooking some Louisiana boudin sausage with a couple of fried eggs for my lunch.  Yum, yum, I love that stuff.  Therefore, I am going to keep this blog posting short and go get ready to feast on the boudin.  Do I enjoy boudin?  You betcha I do.  I am going to have a great day and I want you to have one, too, you hear?


  1. lol I just posted on your last one, cause I got behind. Whatever your wife is cooking sounds good,,,,

    1. If you have never had Louisiana boudin sausage, you need to try it. I prefer the white one vs the red on. Try it, you may like it.

  2. I had never had Louisiana boudin until I moved to Houston...mighty good stuff!

    I just love Cajun food. Wish I could find me a tall weathered Cajun cowboy with a good back, computer whizz and able to cook like a chef!

    Heck it might be easier to win the lottery...jajajajaja :D

    1. I am not a Cajun, and not a cowboy (although I wear cowboy boots and cowboy hats), so I guess you can count me out.

  3. Right now I fancy a full English breakfast to wake me right up. I hope you enjoyed your lunch and those sausages sound delicious.
    Have a great weekend Dizzy-Dick.

  4. Would that full English breakfast be called a 'fry up' and contain bacon and eggs, hash browns, toast, blood sausage, beans and a pan grilled tomato?
    I love sausage but never acquired a taste for blood sausage. I also love re-fried beans with a Mexican breakfast but didn't care much for the beans of an English breakfast. The pan grilled tomato seems to be required to complete the breakfast dish but I could give it a miss.

    1. We never ate blood sausage in England, never heard of it while I was there. We ate regular sausage links, and there is no real comparison to anything here in the US. They were delicious.
      Don't knock fried red tomatoes, they are great!

      Happy Trails, Penny.

  5. Well, that really did make for a nice day for you. I think someone really likes you. (Bet the feeling is mutual)

  6. Having a great day here in Wisconsin (though it could be a bit warmer) and having two doggers to get up with each day makes it even better!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Dogs make great companions and great to wake up to in the morning.
