Friday, January 10, 2014

Wandering about the Northern Lights.

Yesterday I wrote about CMEs and some of their effects.  Last night on the news they showed video of some fantastic Northern Lights.  Yep, that was a direct cause of the CME hitting our planet and the charged particles entering at the poles.  I pretty much explained all that yesterday.  If you want to read about it check out this link: HERE 

Here are some pictures of past Northern Lights:

It is so very quiet here and a little lonely right now for my wife and I.  You see, this was grooming day for our three pups and they are now at the beauty parlor.  The two girls will come home with ribbons in their hair and all three of them will smell real good.  One thing I know for sure is that they will be very glad to get back home and I will be glad to get them back.

I don't have much to say today, so you all have a great day, you hear.


  1. Musta been doggie wash day... I did up our pup too. He is drying now and smelling PURTY!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. It is for us, once a month. They feel oh so soft when they get home. But they only want to eat their dinner. I guess getting groomed works up an apatite.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let me put this another way.....

    I was watch'n a Nova thingy last night. Way to hell an' gone out there they fount a planet bout like earth. It's only 1200 light years from my house an' would take me a couple million years to get there. WHY??? Does it really matter if people can live on some planet 1200 light years from earth?
    "Oh, I got to go visit my nephew. I'll be back in a few million years".

    1. It only matters because we humans are curious beings. It would take a long time to talk to them via radio transmissions since it would take the signal 1200 years to travel one way. . .Hello . . . . . . . . . . Hello

  4. The way I'm think'n, curiosity could feed an' shelter a whole bunch of homeless folks right here at home.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, H.J., they are beautiful. Living down here we don't get much of a chance of seeing them. If I did see them down here, I would get worried for sure.

  6. Your pups sure are pampered! They go to the beauty shop more often than mom or I do :-)

    1. Maybe your Mom and You are just so beautiful that there is no need to go to the beauty shop. If you did, you would just make the others there jealous.

    2. Lol, Dizzy...I don't think that is the case or we would both have already found our "tall weathered cowboys" :D

  7. My dogs could use a groomer at this point. But since I am chief groomer here, it's not happening any time soon. Cold weather, now rain--mud. Winter crud, you learn to live with it. I do have a funny pet story. This week I took our new kitten to the vets for vaccinations. Dr. Frank is an older man who has been in business for years in Mars. I'm in the exam room holding the kitten on my chest. Dr. Frank walks in with his giant black German Shepard. He asks if the kitten is use to dogs, then says the dog will run if the kitten hisses. The kitten has all it's claws in the side of my neck at this point. Dr. Frank laughs. I unhook the kitten from my skin and set in on the exam table. It's tail is standing on end, the dog has it's nose on the table. Dr Frank just goes on with the exam--he was quick. I just switch back to Dr. Frank after being at a vet's office that was more like a "people" dr. office. They were a bit nutty and they charged big$$$. Next trip to see Dr. Frank, I'll be wearing a turtle neck!

    1. Our vet even came out to the car to give a shot to my late dog who was scared to death of vet's offices. She would shake uncontrollably. She is gone now but the other three don't seem to be as scared.

  8. As teens we were at the park one nite, just doing nothing, and across the river to the North, we saw these colored lites streaked all over the sky.,,, Scared us to death and we took off. Next day, there was talk on the news about the northern lites being seen here.

    1. It happens every so often that you can see them this far south, but they really have to be spectacular for that..

  9. good post. Thanks for sharing. I really liked to see northern lights but I want to pink shades of lights. So..I am planning Alaska northern lights tours
