Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wondering About a Simple Trip to the Doctor.

It had been awhile since my wife and I had been to the doctor for a check-up.  In fact, his office sent us emails reminding us that we should come in and get checked.  This doctor thing is getting worse than State Vehicle Inspections!  OK, so we both made appointments for yesterday morning, hoping to get it over with early and knowing that blood tests would be drawn, we refrained from eating or coffee before we went.

The doctor asked how I felt, and I said GREAT!!  I guess that disappointed him.  He gave me a quick "look and see" and had to agree.  Then he checked my wife.  He got a worried look on his face and of course that put a worried look on my face.  He said that she should see a specialist, a heart specialist!!  He had his nurse set up an appointment with one in the same building but later in the afternoon.  This upset us both.  We came home and ate lunch and had our coffee.  Went back to keep our 15:00 appointment with the specialist.  He was a very nice fellow and he only spoke English - what do you think of that, lottajoy at http://littlelottajoy.blogspot.com/2014/01/greeting-cards.html#comment-form.

He said that the EKG showed possible abnormalities in the upper left heart chamber but when my wife told him that she had injured her elbow and it gave her a lot of pain, he said that the elbow pain could be causing the abnormal EKG but to be sure, he set up an appointment with a doctor down in the north part of Houston who would do an ultra-sound of it and get a clear picture of what was going on.  My wife has a good heart in both meanings and I am sure they will find that out.  No matter what the doctors say about her heart, she will always be my sweetheart.

Another bright and sunny day here with clear, blue skies.  We are going to have a great day and we want all of you to have one, too.  You hear?


  1. oh, jeeez that's why I don't go to the doctor... scare the beejeebers outta ya... what a sweet thing to say, Dizzy... glad you passed with flying colors ;) and I'm rooting for the elbow pain to be the culprit!

    You have each other and that's good stuf.

    1. I told the doctor that we both felt fine until we came in here. I don't think he thought that was funny. Hey, when you get over 70 years old, you should be allowed to say what every you want!! There has to be some advantage to getting old.

  2. I had an EKG a few years ago, and my doc kinda went into a panic,, put me on cummadon, and I made an apt with a heart doc. He looked at my results a few weeks later, and asked why I had been put on that horrible med, and told me,,,you can have abnormal heartbeats that would still fall into the normal, and that's what I had. Took me off cummadon, and I go once a year for a check up, which I have coming up the end of the month.

    1. If you want to feel sick, go to a doctor (grin). He will put you on something that disagrees with you.

  3. O yeah, he has made me do stress tests too,,,not gonna do any more MRIs tho.

    1. My wife had to do one of those a few years ago. She says she will never do one again.

  4. My dad won't go to the doc at 78 years old. He said the will fill him up with pills and make him feel worse.... About 10 years ago I brought him in for a heart issue (turns out he had a mild stroke)
    They wanted him to schedule a "stress test" ... he said: "no thank you, I am stressed enough" and has never gone back! LOL

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. I think your Dad is doing the right thing. He has the right attitude.

  5. I agree with Karen's dad, and think I will refuse all tests from now on. If there is anything else wrong with me, I don't want to know about it!

    1. My grandparents didn't take a lot of tests and they lived to be a ripe old age.

  6. Bill's doctor heard a heart murmur.... sent him to a specialist in Ft Worth... they did an EEG... Bill had had one as a routine several years earlier and carries his medical records around with him. Seems that abnormal beat was with him back then... and upon further examination they figured he'd had it since childhood. Go Figure.... they can scare the puddin out of a person "in a heartbeat". Hope all is well with your sweet wife.

    1. The more tests they do the more money they rake in. Follow the money trail. . .

    2. I'm 73 and have had a "heart murmur" since I was a young child. Today it goes by different names but it's the same thing. About a year ago it didn't show up on an EKG and the doctor looked at me like I was crazy when I mentioned it.

  7. Amazing isn't it... you can go to the doctor feeling wonderful and leave feeling sick...

    1. Ain't that the truth!! Didn't use to be like that.

  8. I've long thought that there are no simple visits to the doctor.

    1. It could be simple but they make it complicated.

  9. Maybe the doc had a boat payment coming due and needed a little revenue enhancement. Hope all is well and you can avoid all the medical mazes they run you through.

    1. You know, that is exactly what I said to my wife.

  10. Sorry for your troubles!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. Everyone has troubles. We will just have to try to live through them.
