Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wondering about Listening.

Sometimes I wonder how well we listen when someone else is talking.  I love to talk, but I also like to listen.  It is really easy to listen if you are quite interested in what is being said.  Not so much if you are not interested.  In the latter case, your mind seems to wonder and think of other things while tuning out what is being said.  Since I am hard of hearing, I have to concentrate on what is being said.

But in a lot of cases I am just not paying attention.

 It is hard to get my attention when:

And if you don't like the way I am listening to you:
Now, what was it you said?  Seriously, I love to meet new people and hear all about their lives.  Everyone is just so interesting to me and everyone has a story or two or more to tell.  I am all ears, but I want to get my two cents worth in every so often, you hear?


  1. I think it's one of the better things about blogging - by reading a post we are probably "listening" to the blogger better than if we were face to face - fewer distractions for one thing.

    1. One thing about the printed word, you can always go back and read it over again to make sure you got it right.

  2. In my case Dizzy, it ain't that I'm not listening, I just can't freak'n hear.

    1. I can't hear either and my high priced hearing aids have quite working. What! What!

  3. Replies
    1. Huh? What? Are you talking to me? Speak up, I can't hear you.

  4. My husband is VERY good at not listening...

  5. I haven't worn my hearing aids for over a month... truth is, now that we're around so many people, there is just SO MUCH I really don't want to hear. I'll save the batteries for when I want to hear birds, coyotes, or other critters. I guess I have a choice about "selective" hearing ;-)

    1. It is my wife that gets upset when I don't understand what she said and she has to repeat it slowly and loudly. When driving in the Jeep, the hearing aids pick up road and vehicle noise over voices, so they don't help in that situation.

  6. Our hearing sounds about the same... and those high priced hearing aids are why I haven't bothered until the digital stuff has gotten better. that's why I prefer emails or texts over phone calls... I can't understand a blasted thing over the phone... especially female voices and the drive thru window order things? forget it.

    1. I understand about the female voices. My hearing loss is in the higher frequencies. I can hear low frequency sounds a long way off.

  7. I think that in most situations it's way more important to listen than to talk.

    1. Listening is safer that talking. That way you can't stick your foot into your mouth. I have learned the hard way a few times.

  8. Turn those thangs on!!! I hate to have to repeat, repeat, repeat, louder and louder each time. I'm on your wife's side about that,,,lol.

    1. Oh heck, my battery just died. Guess I will have to go in and buy some more.
