Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wondering about a little frost.

It got rather chilly this morning.  There was frost on the pumpkin.  At least there would have been if I had a pumpkin.  How cold did it get?  A lot colder than predicted.  Like I said, there was frost, but it should get up to about 70 later today.  Don't believe that I had frost?  OK, here is a picture out the windshield of my Jeep when my wife and I got in it to head for the flea market:

As I am writing this, it is now 62 degrees and climbing.

I guess that is all I have for today.  Maybe tomorrow I can come up with some words of wisdom, or something witty, or something unusual, or something beautiful, or. . . but until then, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, but it did get nice and warm this afternoon. They say on TV that it will be warmer tomorrow morning than the marathon runners like it to be. Really, we have had a nice winter so far.

  2. After reading your post I'll quit complaining that the upstairs AC quit working....

  3. Replies
    1. My wife always finds things to bring home. Me? Not so much.

  4. Bet you could find something if you looked hard enough. Everybody needs more stuff, right?

    1. Stuff, stuff; you just can't have too much stuff. There was one neat thing that gave me a couple of belly laughs, but the guy said he has decided to keep it, at least for awhile. He is the fellow from whom I bought the "redneck horn" which is slightly on the vulgar side but it is funny, funny, funny. Now if I could figure a way to hook it up to some loud speakers and mount on the roof of my RV along side the air horns, I would really be in business. (grin)

  5. I have to agree with Barney but it happens... What fle market do you go to?

    1. Olde Security Flea Market on Texas Highway 105 between Conroe and Cleveland. It is a pretty big place. Lots of outside covered tables. Probably in excess of 100. And huge inside market with a snack bar. Sunday is their big day, but Saturday is good, too.

    2. Are animal allowed in the flea market?

  6. Thanks for the weather report.

    A little frost equals no grass growth...which makes me happy.

    1. MsB, No, the grass isn't growing very fast but I think it is because of the drought. That cold morning was the exception, not the rule.

  7. You seem to love the flea markets Dizzy-Dick, how often do you go because you're always talking about them?
    Hope you found something nice there too.

    1. We go on weekends. It is an outing for us old folks (grin). Usually go both Saturday and Sunday. Gives us exercise and a time to visit with other people.

  8. I think we are gonna head out in a few weeks to find some of that frost! Sure beats the 10 below we are gonna get this week!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Yes, I saw on your blog that you were planning to head south. Like I said before, leave that cold stuff behind.
