Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wondering about "I Love Lucy".

My wife bought a book at the flea market the other day about Lucille Ball.  It was quite interesting and I am not going to take the time or posting space by trying to tell you all the things I learned about her, but rather, I will show you some pictures from her past.  I am not going to scan the pictures out of the book but will find them on the Internet.

Did you know that she started out as one of the Goldwyn Girls?  Here is a picture of her as a Goldwyn Girl:

How about this next two pictures of Lucy, doesn't she look glamorous? 

Later in her life, she and her husband, Desi Arnaz, created the Desilu Productions.

It was in her television show, I Love Lucy, that her true comic nature emerged and she became the "Lucy" that we all remember.  She was a master of making faces.  These next two pictures are a long way from the first two above.

I like the comedian Lucy better than the serious one, don't you?  Lucy and Ricky and Ethel and Fred will live in my memory and in all those who have seen their shows.  Let me know what you think of Lucy.  Now, you all stay out of the Lucy type messes and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I can't think of a better comedy show on TV since "I Love Lucy". While Lucy was definitely the best part of the show, I think Desi was also extremely talented. His sense of timing, critical to a commedian, was perfect!

    1. Yes, Desi had a great sense of timing. I also remember Fred coming up with some "on time" comments. Between the four of them, it was a great show. I watched it.

  2. I love to watch Lucy reruns. Found some DVD;s at Goodwill and Joe and I spent a week of evenings watching them!!

    1. There is no one else like Lucy. They broke the mold when they made her. I, for one, enjoyed the old "I Love Lucy" shows and sometimes still watch the reruns. Her comedy is timeless.

  3. do you still watch the reruns? I do sometimes.

    1. Yes I do, even though I have seen them more than once, I never get tired of her.

  4. We didn't have a TV when Lucy was expecting Little Ricky... my dad belonged to one of the local social clubs and we'd all walk over to the Moose Lodge to watch the weekly show... Little Ricky has to be one of the most well known babies of those times!

  5. Lucy and Desi made a very funny movie called The Long Long Trailer. One my favOrites!

    1. I saw that way back when it was at the theater and again on TV. That was a great movie. I loved it when Lucy collected all those rocks and loaded down the trailer.

  6. I watch her every morning on MEtv from 630 to 7.. much better than the depressing news!

    I read once that she choreographed her stunts herself and shot them over and over until the movements were just right.... and it shows in the final results!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Yes, it is true that she did that. She was a perfectionist when it came to handling props. She would practice until she got it perfect. I loved I Love Lucy.

  7. Replies
    1. She was a great actress and an even better comedian. What wasn't there to love.

  8. I love watching the re-runs whose episodes like yourself...I have watched more than once.

    Only thing I did not like about her was that she shaved her eyebrows and painted new ones kind of like in a clown shape.

    1. I prefer a person's natural look, a lot more than I like their natural smell (grin). But, I do not like to smell perfume and cologne in excess.

  9. She was a gem. Thanks for sharing, we all could use a little Lucy in our lives.

    1. She had the ability to make every-day occurrences seem extremely funny.
