Monday, January 6, 2014

Wondering about the Rescued Jungle.

Baby it's cold out side!!!  Hey!!  I thought that I was living near the balmy, warm East Coast of Texas.  Maybe I slept too long and woke up on the shores of Lake Michigan. . . Nope, I pinched myself and looked back outside and sure enough, I am still in Texas, but it ain't balmy nor is it warm.  Yes, I know all you readers who live up north will laugh at me, but hey, I have lived here for a long, long time and got used to warm to hot weather, but this is ridiculous.  Actually I prefer too cold to too hot.  You can always put more clothes on but you can only take off so much.

Don't believe me?  Here is a picture I just took of my thermometer just outside the back door on the screened in back porch:

And it is suppose to be in the teens or single digits tonight and maybe tomorrow but they are predicting highs in the 70's by the end of the work week.

In the mean time, most of the jungle on the back porch moved into the cozy, warm house.  This picture is what ended up on the table by the back door:

This next one is on the big wooden chair in the kitchen:

The last one is on the big wooden bench seat in the living room:

Some didn't make the cut and ended up being thrown out.  Those where either dead or dying.  Some others got trimmed back.  But, the survivors seem to be very happy and doing well in the warmth of our home.  Now, you all keep warm and cozy and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Boy I really miss those days of a house and moving potted plants in and out to avoid freezing weather. And it is wonderful HE HE HE.

  2. Go ahead, rub it in. . . kick me when I'm down. . . But I have the best of both worlds!!

  3. We had to get rid of all of our potted plants before heading south. Some found good homes, a few, sadly, were left to freeze.

    Too cold for TX there Dizzy.

    1. I understand about the plants. I respect all types of life, including plants, although there are a few humans I don't call worthy of life.

  4. Now I'm wondering what the temps are in Glen Rose.... oh well, our son-in-law will do whatever needs for our rig. As for me... out of sight - out of mind ;-)

    1. My wife just checked and it is now, at 1 pm, 25 with a low tonight of 14 in Glen Rose. Just in case you want to know. Now, doesn't the weather where you are seem really great!!!???

  5. Glad to hear you made the cut, DD. Too cold to sleep outside. Sounds your nighttime temps are like ours, but you warm up more than we do during the day.

    1. Yep, I got to sleep inside last night, too. . . along with the plants. Well, it is only 37 degrees here right now. It has been years since it has been this cold around here.

  6. got up to 19, 28 now. You would've thot we were gonna freeze up for days,,if you paid any attention to the weathermen. Acted like we never had this before. Heck, I remember the river freezing some from the sides. Twice. Like you, I prefer winter over summer any time.

    1. I remember a couple of really cold winters here, but they are the exception other than the rule.

    2. I just don't like how soon Winter started, and is still hanging on.
      Where is Global Warming when you need it?
      At least it is going to warm up again in a few days.
      Happy Tails and Trails, Penny, TX.

    3. Global warming is the hot air that comes out of politicians mouths. Yes, it is going to warm up but will get colder before it does. Are we breaking records yet?

  7. "It doesn't make a difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature."
