Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wondering about My Dad's Niece.

I got a pleasant surprise last night, my Dad's niece called and we had a lovely chat.  She is in her early 90's and is spry and quick witted and loves to travel.  In fact, she is planning a trip to China.  She is the last surviving Evelyn in our family.  It was, for awhile, quite confusing.   What do I mean by it being confusing?  Well, let me start from the beginning.  My Dad's sister was named Evelyn.  When she grew up, she married a man named Jim.  They had a son, and of course they named him Jim.  This Jim grew up and guess what, he married a girl named Evelyn.  An of course their son was named Jim, too.  So that gives us two sets of Jim and Evelyn and three Jims, all with the same last name.  Now tell me if that don't get confusing at times.  I believe there is also another younger "Jim", too.

Dang, it is colder this morning than it was yesterday.  When I first looked this morning it was seventeen degrees.  I guess we have to have a few cold days every four or five years to control the bugs (grin).  It doesn't get this cold here, but it did!!  I believe I heard on the news that we set a few new records.  Now you all keep warm and have a great day, you hear?


  1. 34 this morning in the Aransas Pass area. Still too cold for me.

    1. Probably the only place to go where it is warm in the continental U.S. is Key West.

  2. I'm told it's cold enough back home to kill off the ticks -and that makes me happy.

    Not too warm where I am in FL today either. Supposed to be pushing 80 in a few day though.

    1. How cold does it have to be to kill ticks? Fleas, ticks, ants, roaches and the like will outlive man, I am sure.

  3. Bill has worked with genealogy stuff for years now. His Dad's side of the family uses the same names over and over... and being strong Catholics, most of Bill's aunts were Mary Theresa, Mary Lily, Mary Frances etc etc. We were at a family reunion in Kentucky many years ago and the men were introduced by 3 first names ... in Bill's case he is: Gonzaga (grandfather), Jack (Dad), Bill (himself). That's the way they all keep the lineage straight .... So your Evelyn and her husband/brother/son... whatever... Jim, would fit right in!

    1. I was named after my Dad, but with a different middle name. My deceased eldest son was also had the same name, except for the middle name.

  4. It's REALLY cold in PA today, negative numbers. We are just hunting a stink bug in our living room. We can small it but can't find it. Freezing out stink bugs once and for all would be grand!

    1. Oh how I remember the smell of those stink bugs. They looked like beetles but smelled like, well like, . . . I guess I just can't explain that stink in words.

  5. Little frost on the pumpkin here in Houston also. I sure don't function well in the cold weather!

    Love the name game in your family's history!

    1. Yep, but it will warm up real quick. Yes, it was a name game, for sure.

  6. Regardless of the names, I find it very gratifying that a 90 plus year old lady is planning a trip to China...good for her!

    1. You got that right. I hope I have that much gumption twenty years from now. In fact, it would just be great to be alive in another 20 years.
