Sunday, January 5, 2014

Wondering about a Long Rifle.

Wandered on down to the Flea Market today and I saw a very long barreled rifle and I just had to take a picture of it to share with you.  Have you ever thought that taking that shot would be a lot surer if you could just get a closer to the target or prey?  That has been the case for me many times.  Well this gun solves that problem with its extra long barrel you don't have to get close, the end of the barrel is already close.

We went inside, after walking past most of the outside tables and vendors to get in out of the chill of the strong north wind that started to blow out there.  While we were there, the temperature dropped about twenty degrees.  Yep, it was 62 when we left and 42 when we got back.  42 isn't that bad but the gusts of wind almost blew me over.

The booth we stopped at was operated by Mrs. Outlaw.  She and her now deceased husband, started in that flea market back 28 years ago.  She is a fixture there for sure.  Anyway, it was her booth that had the long barreled rifle hanging above the entrance.  Here is a picture of the booth:

And a cropped view showing the gun:

There have been a few times that I could have used that firearm but I don't think I would want to lug it around the woods hunting.  Heck, it would get to where you are going five minutes before you would (grin).  Hope you are all warm and fuzzy, and I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Isn't that a black powder gun? Not accurate, lol, they have competitions here for them.

    1. I don't know, Trouble. I couldn't see any hammer or anything, except a trigger. Next time I am there I will ask about it. The lady's husband has passed away and she may not know anything about it.

  2. Sure looks like a shotgun to me instead of a rifle.

    1. Probably the kind you dump a keg of nails down the barrel and cut down trees when you shoot it. . .

  3. I've heard of long barrel rifles, but hadn't given a thought to what they look like... Good Grief! How could you carry one of those? I think of Daniel Boone or other pioneers... I'm gonna have to do some googling on this one....

    1. I will bet you that it is a fake, something put together just for show. Don't you think so?

  4. Now THAT is a long barrel! Wonder what kind of kick it has?

    1. I wonder, too, but I sure ain't going to volunteer to shoot it.

  5. Reminds of punt guns. Honking big shotguns used on small boats to hunt ducks.

    1. Could be. As far as I could tell it was a smooth bore. I still think it was just put together for decoration and was not a usable firearm.

  6. I think you better have a good bipod to shoot that. I'd guess though a piece of 3/4 inch black pipe instead of a real barrel. Like you just for show.

    1. A tripod and a thick shoulder pad. . . if it were real.

  7. Stay bundled up you hear? Guess those cold north winds finally made their way into our state. Are you feeling better? I certainly hope so!

    Who could carry that long thing? Not me...I have to side with the folks that say it is just for show. However, it does make an excellent conversation piece.

    1. It is cold here and I still have a cough, but feel much better.

  8. You would have to hunt along a fence line, a place to prop the barrel.
    Would love 40 degree weather about now. 5 degrees right now, -22 wind chill tonight. Schools closed, most people staying home tomorrow.

    1. I remember that weather. I am old enough to remember the huge Thanksgiving snow fall. Got 40 some inches. Route 8 was closed for weeks. They had to use bull dozers to open it up.

  9. It may be for real.
    this is from an article at Farm Show title "Extra Long Shotgun Kills Birds With Less Noise".

    When Wendell Diller goes crow hunting, he can pick off a bunch of birds and the rest of the flock never knows what happened. That's because Diller has the quietest shotgun around thanks to its extra-long 7-ft. barrel.
    The new-style shotgun barrel meets all U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms requirements. Diller says it's much more quiet -- and much more accurate -- than anything on the market.
    He says he could have made the barrel even longer, but 7 ft. was all he could fit into his hunting vehicle, a 1988 Plymouth Volare wagon chugging along toward its 350,000th mile.
    The shotgun shoots normal 3-in. shells, but Diller loads his own, going up two sizes in steel shot and adjusting the powder load so he can achieve shot velocity of 900 to 1,000 feet per second.
    When he pulls the trigger, he still gets a kick. But instead of a normal shotgun blast, all you hear is a soft "poof" that causes minimal disturbance to people or animals....

    There is more to the story.

    1. Yep, I am sure there are a few like that around for specialty use. I wouldn't want to carry one, though.

  10. Hi DD, I remember Mr. Outlaw, so sorry to hear that he had passed.
    Do you know how long ago?
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.
