Saturday, January 4, 2014

Wondering about a Jill Look-A-Like.

My wife came across some unusual Altered Art today and we thought that we should share them with you.  One, especially, looks like Jill of Recycled Daze.  I think, the artist she is, she would like and appreciate them.  Here is the one that reminds us of Jill:

We brought four of them home with us, but because I am so late posting today (had to run to town for some things) that I will wait until another day to post the rest of them.  You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't know Jill, but I love the lovely artwork. Is that Victorian style?

    1. I suppose it could be but I really don't know what style it is. If I had to pick a style I would say "different".

  2. Replies
    1. She is the one who comment right after you. See below.

  3. I see what you mean, it does look like me! Nice art, thanks for sharing.

    1. I thought it sure did. But I didn't know there was a dancing gypsy girl inside you. . . Maybe it is your twin or doppelganger.

  4. glad to learn who Jill is ... very pretty artwork ...

    1. Small world. I used to live within a mile or two of her and didn't know of her back then.

  5. That artwork is rather pretty and I like things that look different too. It must have taken the artist ages to design. Jill should find out if there is any connection to her. You never know these days.

  6. You never know. Stranger things have happened.
