Friday, January 3, 2014

Wondering about Water Volcanoes.

If I were to guess what the most abundant molecule was in the whole universe, I would have to say that it is water.  Of course there is probably more free hydrogen and oxygen than there is the combination of the two into the water molecules, but they are simple molecules and water is a little more complicated.  Yes, water is quite abundant out there in space and on other planets and moons.  One of Jupiter's moons spews water from, yes, water volcanoes.  Here is an artists conception of what they would look like:

This painting shows the icy moon's volcano with Jupiter in the back ground.  The Hubble Space Telescope took pictures of icy volcanoes on Europa (a moon of Jupiter) and also on Enceladus (a moon or Saturn).  Our solar system is a wondrous place and the universe is ever more wondrous.  Our Earth is just a microscopic speck in our universe and theory has it that there are many more universes.  Live every day in awe of the beauty and wonder that is all around us and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Yes it does. I have seen Old Faithful, but it has been quite a few years ago.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, he has been gone going on 20 years. He was a man ahead of his time.

  3. Strange and beautiful wonders out there!

    1. We have only seen a very small amount of them.

  4. I was going to say the same thing ... looks like Old Faithful ...

    1. I guess a geyser is a geyser no matter what planet it is on or where it is located.

  5. All that's what I would say, Old Faithful, and the geysers.

    1. And that is just what you said. . . geysers are unique and I like them. Of course the only one I ever saw was in Yellowstone National Park and that was back when I was sixteen years old.

  6. On Earth, where there's water, there is life. Bet it's like that all over the universe.

  7. I will not say that is true for all planets, etc. that have water, but without water there could be no life (as we know it).
