Friday, December 13, 2013

Wondering about Wise Old Owls.

Actually, I am not talking about real live owls, I am talking about some really old owls that as long as I can remember, where used for Christmas trimmings.  The first time I saw them was on my Grandpararnts' Christmas tree.  It was us grandkids' job every year to find the owls in Grandma's tree.  Then, some how, my Mom inherited them.  My mother was the real Mother Christmas.  She went all out every year with all kinds of decorations not stopping at just a tree.  Always had wreathes, manger scenes, two electric train set-ups, at least two trees, beautiful wrapped presents, etc.  Anything pertaining to Christmas, and my Mom was into it.  So, of course, she started hiding them in our tree.

Now, since my wife and I are their guardians for awhile, they show up in many places at different times of year.  Since we haven't had a Christmas tree in many years, my wife hid them in her two grape vine trees that she had made.  I haven't seen the owls in quite awhile until yesterday, I saw them hiding out by the kitchen sink on a set of corner shelves we got at the flea market last week.  I guess I better show you a picture of one of the owls so you have some idea what they look like:

 And yes, his twin was on the shelf below.  Now I am satisfied that they have found a great nesting place where they can see outside, watch us and the dogs, and we can keep a loving eye on them:

I suppose all families have a favorite trimming or trinket or something that has been passed down through generation after generation.  Decorations and such usually come from our mothers and grandmothers and firearms seem to come from our fathers and grandfathers.  I know that my Dad's fishing and hunting stuff mean so much to me.  I am a very sentimental person and things that have great memories are important to me.  Do you have anything like my owls that have been passed down to you along with memories?  If not, feel free to share in some of mine, I have many, many more that I can share.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Coming from a family of 8 kids, there wasn't much stuff worth passing down! I have an item or two that was my mother's, but it was more from her later years, not from my childhood. I learned to never treasure anything so much that my heart would be broken if something happened to it, which usually did. I treasure the people in my life though, and some of them are still around from my childhood.

    1. Yes Gypsy, you are right, people are more important than things.

  2. Love that tradition,, and no, we didn't have one. Family is not the same any more, not just mine, but all.

    1. You sure are correct there, Trouble. Families and kids are not the same as they were when we grew up.

  3. I inherited my Dad's mothers pitcher... (she died several years before I was born) and my Mom's mothers kerosene lamp and a tiny metal chest that (I think) her wedding ring came in. When Bill & I moved out of the house into our motorhome I gave all the "sentimental" stuff to my 2 kids.... and I put little notes with the stuff telling them who it belonged to. I don't think I'm sentimental.... don't keep much of anything... but I heard the US Marine band play Joy to the World this morning and started crying. Go figure....

    1. The notes are a good idea. I have pictures and things and have no idea who are in the pictures and whose things they were. I keep too many things. But I did have a great childhood (other than illness) and love to reminisce about it.

  4. I have my Mother's costume jewelry .. she LOVED necklaces are earrings ... my Aunt was a Sarah Coventry person and ohhhh the parties ... and ohhhhhh the jewels... some really pretty vintage pieces too. I gave her wedding rings to my son ... Stephanie is wearing them and it's a nice thing. ;)

    I like owls. especially Pooh's Owl...

    1. Since I am an only child, I had my Mom's diamonds made into a ring for myself. I only had two sons, one died, so there no one else to get mine and my wife's diamonds.

  5. I have two Christmas tree ornaments that were my great grandmother's. I'm more amazed at their age than anything. They look very old and fragile.

    1. Jill, I also have some really old ornaments, but the owls are my favorite and I have three of them.

  6. Different owl decoration. They look nice....

    1. Weekend-windup, things made back generations ago are usually lost. Too bad, but I saved three of them.
