Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wondering about a Dangerous Tree.

My wife was attacked by a mean ole tree.  Well, actually she was attacked by what lived in that tree and it took her awhile to get over all the bites.  But, I am getting ahead of myself.  She went out to get pictures of the fall leaves.  Yes, our fall color is at its peak the second or third week of December and sometimes later.  The oaks will not turn color for awhile yet and the live oaks never do.  Here is here first picture.  The tree with the yellow leaves is sweet gum.

She found this tree that has seen its better days.  I think it was struck by lightning but just didn't give up.  You can see the new small limbs coming off it.

 Not only does it look bad, it is located in such a place on the curve of my driveway that it makes bringing the motorhome in to its parking place a chore.  If I judge everything just perfect, I can get in on one pass.  This is the exception other than the rule.  I usually have to back up and then  I can get by it on the second try.

This tree also contains ants, and the ants are what attacked my wife.  All she was trying to do was get a picture of the gargoyle that calls that tree home.  So, when she got close enough to get a good picture of the gargoyle, the ants that were protecting him made a mass charge toward my wife.

She ran into the house shedding clothes along the way.  All those ant bites bothered her for a couple of days.  They seem to all charge at once but not a single ant will bite until the lead sees that enough of them are on the victim and then the leader yells, "BITE"!!!  And they all bite at once, all hundreds or thousands of them.  Texas fire ants are one thing you shouldn't fool with and always give them a wide berth and what ever you do, don't disturb them.  They have a fiery disposition and a fiery bite that leaves burning welts on your skin.

Anyway, I have to give her credit for getting the picture at all costs.  How many spouses of bloggers would go to that much trouble to get a couple of pictures for their mate's blog?  I thought her idea was a good one so I posted it here today.  What do you think?

A health update:  feel a lot better today, but had a bad night.  Coughed continually all night.  Still coughing some but try not to since my diaphragm is quite sore from all the coughing last night.  I just may have to take a nap today.  Now, hope you all are feeling great and haven't been attacked by any gargoyles or fire ants or anything bad, and have a great day, you hear?


  1. My nephew was barely walking, still in diapers, when he sat down in them. Then just sat there and cried, of course, til his Mom grabbed him, stripped him, put him in the bath tub, then took him to the ER. He was ok but OMG, bites all over.

    1. I had a friend that went camping and they got in his sleeping bag. He ended up in the hospital.

  2. I don't know what concerns me the most...the fact that you have fire ants in your tree, or that you actually took a picture of the resident gargoyle! Isn't that supposed to be bad luck or something?

    Hope the wife is getting over all the bites!

    1. H.J., I guess it brought her bad luck, since she got attacked by the ants after she took the picture of the gargoyle.

  3. DE/diatomaceous earth (a non-toxic) found at farm an garden supplier will decimate that fire ant problem fast. Best stuff for many pesky problems, even dog worming. Good for people parasites too. Try it.

    1. You can also use it to kill fleas. I guess it scratches them and they bleed or loose bodily fluids or something like that.

  4. My first encounter with fire ants was in 2005 in South Carolina. It was so vicious that I can even picture the place I was standing. Since then I've had a couple other incidents and try to stay out of range. We were living in the Valley several years ago and when driving around just sightseeing came across a grade school... their mascot name was either "fire ants" or "red ants"... either way I wondered just how vicious those kids were. Hope your wife gets over her bites soon... and you start feeling better.

    1. I have them in North Carolina, but anywhere I have found them, they all seem a little weaker than the Texas varieties.

  5. I can tell you.... Texas fire ants are straight from what I hear hell is like ... I have never ever experienced anything like those ants. I googled and found that bathing in the hottest water you can stand along with soap immediately will get the poison down to a small roar.

    But since I didn't know this until I googled ... I thought I was going to die and it took weeks for those welts and blisters to go away... horrible ... my condolences to your wife.

    I didn't know they were in trees?! They live in mounds ... and yes putting that DE/diatomaceous earth on the mounds ... killed the mound... but takes a while.. little rat bastards

    Gargoyles are guardians ... they bring luck but what is one doing in your tree? Ha? I've never seen such... did you do this or the previous owners?

  6. I agree that Texas fire ants are the worst. The Gargoyle is my wife's and when she put it in the tree to take the picture, she was attacked by the ants.

  7. I love the gargoyle but I'm sure sorry about the attack on your wife. Please give her my regards for a speedy recovery!

    1. This time she used a leaf off her alae vera plant and it helped a lot. She is getting over it, but it will take a little while.

  8. My lovely wife and I are still recovering form our last batch of fire ant bites. Those things are nasty. Hope she feels better soon -hope you feel better too.

    1. Yes they are nasty, for sure. I haven't figured out yet what they are good for.
