Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wondering about Scary Things.

Yeah, I know it ain't October and it ain't Halloween, but since I have been "under the weather" with this flu crud, I decided I was going to search the Internet and see if I could find a few people who looked scarier and worse than I do right now.  Yesterday, my wife said I didn't look too good.  Well now, that was a shot to my ego!!  Here I thought I was a combination of Mr. Wonderful and Mr. America.  No, I really didn't think that either.  I know what I must look like cause I feel like I was run through that ringer on the old washing machines I was talking about yesterday and haven't been hung out to dry yet.

So, in order to make myself feel a little bit better, I searched the Internet for pictures of people that look as bad as I do.  The first one I came across was of these (ahem) ladies.  Now ain't they sweet?

 When I am not feeling well, I sometimes feel like I am child again and just want to snuggle up in my blankie.  Now, which one of the three below do you think looks like me?

 Now this next little guy looks mighty tough!!  I think I will give him and his car a wide berth:

 This is what I looked like when I got up to go to the bathroom last night and I kept turning around to make sure the angel of death wasn't following me, something like the picture below:

 Now, after I get feeling better we will all go outside and dance around. . . maybe not.  I will just let these odd guys do the dancing:

 OK, I feel better already.  Oh no, I ain't going to say that out loud.  Then I would have to get up off the couch and do something (grin).  Now, I hope you are all well and enjoying life, so have a great day, you hear?
Almost forgot, here is the site where these pictures came from:


  1. Those are ugly indeed.

    It's said that if you look as bad as your driver's license photo, it's time to seek medical attention.

    1. Let me look. Yep, I do look that bad if not worse. . .

  2. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Hope it doesn't last long and you are bad hale & hearty!

    1. I don't get sick very often, so I may as well enjoy this as long as I can (grin). I guess I should stay away from crowds, like at Wall-Mart.

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Those pictures are truly weird and creepy.

    1. Yes they are. Should have saved them for Halloween. But since everyone is thinking of snow angels and Santa Claus, I figured to show the opposite of pretty (grin)

  4. Some of those characters looked like "Halloween", but most of them just looked strange and creepy. You don't look like any of them.... but maybe if you had on a long white gown and was holding scythe you'd look like Father Time?

    1. Father time? Yep, you got something there. I used to have a scythe but it disappeared somewhere during the past.

  5. Is that you standing in front of family's old Buick? Man you must be feeling bad. I went to the doctor and he said I had the crud. I said I want a second opinion. He said "OK, you're ugly, too!" Get Well Soon!

    1. Dang, you finally found an honest doctor that will tell you the way it is (grin). BTW, I thought it was a Buick, too, but the lettering above the grill looks like it could be a Chevy.

  6. Hope you get to feeling better, buddy! Ya don't look as bad as those pictures, I'll bet!

    1. I feel like I do, H.J., but then I never won any beauty contests.

  7. Hope you're better each minute .... but you can still fake it a bit to get 'waited' on ... ;)

    1. Thanks Carolyn, I am feeling a bit better, but I ain't going to tell anybody.

  8. Get to feeling better DD. Under the weather here to and ain't liking it a bit.

    1. I have been down with this crud for a week now. That is seven days too long. . .

  9. Sorry to hear your feeling so unwell Dizzy-Dick. I do hope you recover quickly and get back to looking normal again. Those pictures are truly awful. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. I better get back to normal or all the mirrors in our house will be cracked.

  10. feel better soon. send up a prayer for health.

    1. Thank you. I haven't been sick in a long time. Guess it caught up to me.

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