Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wondering about a Missing Tree.

The day before yesterday, I posted a blog about a dangerous tree that had ants in it and the ants attacked my wife.  Well, we are both proud to announce that that tree is no longer growing there.  Go back to it if your memory needs refreshed or if you missed it:
Wondering about a Dangerous Tree.
My son came up yesterday with a couple of his chain saws (he collects Stihl chain saws) and before I could it out to see what was going on, he had it down.  This is all that is left of it:

He cut it down and then, using the long bar saw, cut it off as flush to the ground as possible.  The picture below shows the final slice:

He then drug it out to our front lot.  He says out there he will have more room to cut it up and load it in his truck.  It is a Live Oak, of course now it is a dead or dying live oak.

This tree has had a hard life.  It must have been hit with lightning at one time, and then the hurricane probably did a pruning job on it.  It looks like part of the main section was damaged some time ago.

Now, when returning from a trip, I will not have to back up to complete the turn into the rest of my driveway.  I will be able to pull right through and then back up into my parking spot, where you see it sitting at this time.

Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Did your son encounter any of the killer ants when he was cutting down the tree? I'm glad to hear it's out of your way, and especially that it will make it easier for you to maneuver your RV. Your son is a good kid!

    1. No, he didn't get bit. I guess the sound and vibrations from the chain saw confused them. He didn't even have any on his shoes or pants.

  2. I've found that these sons are as handy as a hipp pocket!

  3. Well I guess also these daughters!

    1. Wouldn't know about daughters, only had two sons and this one is the only one left.

  4. Hmmm, I think another tree will have grown up there before you ever take that future trip,,,
    And, what about all those ants your son encountered?

    1. You made me laugh out loud, but you might be right. I sure hope not. According to Barneys blog, they got the Davis Mountains State Park up and running again. I do want to get back there. I sure did like that place.

  5. Where's the gargoyle's new home? He's too cute to be put in a box and stored somewhere.....

    1. I believe he is back living on the back porch. He always has to be some place where he can watch over things.

  6. Looks like another score for the home team! Tell him he did a good job!

  7. I did and I will again. He has quite a collection of chain saws and likes to use them now and then.

  8. Always sad to see a tree go but it sure looked like it was time to go.

  9. aw poor tree but glad you now have easy access ... you have a handy dandy son!
