Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I want to get something and get rid of something.

Just wanted you all to know that I am alive, but not kicking very high.  I seem to cough most all the time.  That makes it hard to get a good night's sleep.  I will try to get a battery for my laptop today, typing with one finger on this tablet doesn't get it for me.  I want a full size keyboard.  So, I will venture out this Christmas eve and see what I can find.  Got to go out,anyway to get a refill of my thyroid medication.  A new computer battery, if I can find one, will be my Christmas present to myself.

Don't get me wrong, I love my tablet and it is great for searching the internet and reading blogs, but not so great for typing more than a few words.  A tablet has its place and is easy to carry around, but as far as I am cocerned, will never replace the computer.

Miss Belinda had the flu and says she is feeling some better.  That gives me hope for a recovery, soon.  Now you all have a wonderful and blesses Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, yo hear?


  1. Thank you for letting us know you are alive. I am still worried about you though. Merry Christmas.
    Pat in East Texas

    1. If I could just shake this cough, I would be almost perfect, almost.

  2. Good hearing from you... and hope you get well soon. I think we our here in "blogland" have a special friendship and get concerned when we don't hear for a while. Bill has a tablet (or something small) and uses it to read and find stuff, but don't think he uses it to write. Hope you get your new battery for Christmas... and here's wishing a Merry Christmas to you and Dusty.

    1. I did get the battery and it is in the computer and working just great. Of course it set me back a hundred bucks.

  3. Glad to hear that you are still around, but sorry that you are ill!

    Good luck on the battery hunt!

    1. Thanks H.J., I am still kicking and coughing. Got a new battery, see above comment.

  4. Take care, get well, and Merry Christmas!

    1. Sixbears, and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours, too.

  5. I hope you feel better soon, and have a very merry Christmas!

    1. Our Christmas will be a quiet one. Hope you have a great time with all your friends and relatives.

  6. Glad to know you weren't lost somewhere. Have a lovely festive season...

    1. Just a quiet, stay at home, day enjoying the pups.

  7. Merry Christmas, DD! In the Old Wives Tales department, an old wife wrote in the paper today that when she coughing so bad she can't sleep, she rubs Vick's Vapor Rub on the bottoms of her feet, puts her socks on and goes to bed and doesn't cough at all. Try it and see if it works on old husbands.

    1. OK, that may work, but my feet smell bad enough when left alone. . .

  8. Feel better soon. Please see a doctor soon, they can give a cough suppressant. A cough rattles the whole body, wear you out.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. Woke up this Christmas morning and only coughed one time. I think I may be getting better. . . hope so.

  9. Good to hear you're still alive, and I'm sure you'll get that 'kick' back soon. Try about 3 inches of fresh ginger. Remove the skin and cut into slices, simmer for about 7 minutes until the water changes colour and 'bobs your uncle', that cough will go. It works every time.

    Seasonal Greetings to your and your wife.

    1. That does sound like it would work. I will have to try that, but we don't have any fresh ginger. Guess I will have to get some.

  10. Sorry you are under the weather. I got a bluetooth keyboard for my tablet, but I admit I haven't used it much. I'm so loving being back on my full sized desktop.

    1. Let me know how it words out. I didn't know that a tablet would communicate via Bluetooth.
