Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas.

Hope you all had a great Christmas morning and the rest of the day will just keep on getting better.  We had a great time this morning.  My wife bought a bunch of toys for our three pups and put them in paper bags with their names on them.  Of course our oldest (the one who is so intelligent it is scary) had hers opened first and then moved on and helped the other two open theirs.  They had such an exciting morning that they are all now just laying around sleeping.  Me?  I got my present yesterday when I got the new battery for my laptop, and by the way, it is working just fine.  My wife?  Well, she has me and the dogs to love her, what else could she possibly want??

OK, I am going to get one more present.  My wife has some Louisiana white boudin sausage on cooking and I will feast on it with a couple of fried eggs on the side.  Now that is a feast for anytime.  Just love that stuff!!!  Now, have a great Christmas day and share the love, you hear? 


  1. Awww,, DD,, so glad yall have had a great Christmas.

    1. It sure was fun watching the dogs open their gifts. They sure had a happy day. Hope you had a great Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your wife, DD!

  3. Sounds like a great Christmas to me... especially the boudin, We lived in the Lake Charles, LA area for a while... ummm ummmm! Also great hearing that you and your laptop are doing okay now.

    1. All is well on this Christmas day, except maybe me. I still have a cough now and then.

  4. You should have filmed the pups opening up their gifts!

    Glad you and your wife are having an enjoyable day and that you got your laptop all fixed up for another year of blogging :)

    1. I thought about it when they were about done. Guess I should have, but didn't. The oldest one is really good at opening gifts.

  5. Merry Christmas, Dizzy ~ just can't do boudin ... glad your sick is better and your laptop is up and running!

    1. Dang Carolyn, it is the best dang tasting sausage one can get. But I don't like coconut nor licorice, but love liver and spinach.
