Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wondering why my computer died

Went to turn my computer on this morning and nothing, nadda, not even a blink.  So, I plugged it into the commercial power, and again, nothing.  I believe this time my battery bit the dust.  OK, I remember last time I thought that I needed a battery and went to the battery selling place only to find out that I hadn't put the battery in correctly.  So, remembering that, I removed the battery and replaced it.  Even after multiple tries, it still is deader than a door nail.  OK, how dead is a door nail?  A good subject for a future blog.

There is a strange illness affecting our county.  Of all the cofirmed cases in the local hospital, only two have survived. I wonder if my lap-top caught that flu?  I wonder if that is what my wife and 
I have?  I am feeling a lot better today.  It just takes time.  Hope all of you are feelin fine and, please, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Well, I got my flu and tetanus shots before we left the USA.... AND... even got a new virus protection program for my laptop. Hopefully, Bill, me OR our computers won't get anything deadly while here in Costa Rica. I'm glad you're feeling better and also glad you're computer is as well ;-)

    1. This is my "Flu skot" for the next year. The lap-top's battery is shot.

  2. Stay well. The best thing when there is something going around like that is to stay out of crowds, but that's hard to do and especially at this time of year.

    1. Trouble is we ran out of supplies and had to run to Wal-Mart for supplies. We didn't feel like going, but we have to eat.

  3. Sorry to hear about the laptop. That's one reason that I have two extras (older ones) as spares! Wanna borrow one of them?

    1. I always have backups. If all the lap-tops fail, I even have some desktops.

  4. Glad you are feeling better. Computers are magical when they work, and a major headache went they don't. Good luck!

    1. I am not quite back to normal, but a lot better. Trying to get a battery for "older" computers.

  5. My laptop stays plugged in all the time, so I guess the battery stays good too.

    1. Mine will not work plugged in when the battery is dead. Keeping it plugged in is also hard on the battery. My computer is quite old.

    2. Keeping a laptop plugged in means that the current goes through the battery and will shorten battery life. You can remove the battery if you always keep it plugged in.

  6. Bugs have invaded everything! These flu bugs are persistent little buggers,makes being sick a long marathon. Get well soon!

  7. I'm glad I was able to give you a smile today - and sorry you guys still aren't feeling up to par. The worst pain in the neck, though, is when our computers don't work. I think I'd rather be sick and have my computer well, than the other way around. :)

    I keep my laptop plugged in all the time, but I turn off the power when the battery is full, so I guess it's like unplugging it. Then when the battery gets low, I turn on the power again. I do this not to save the battery, but to conserve power so I won't need to run the generator as much.

    1. Yep, I am getting tired of being sick. I just heard that the swine flu was going around this area. Sure don't like being sick.

  8. I know I commented on this a few days ago.... haven't seen anything from you since and hope it's the computer that sick and not you. Just thinking about you and hoping all is well.

    1. It is both. It is too hard to type a blog on a to let. Will try to get my laptop up and running soon.

    2. That was suppose to say, "too hard to type on a tablet".
