Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wondering why I am late posting.

I am a little late posting.  Sorry if you missed me but more sorry if you didn't (grin).  Anyway, I will explain.  First of all, I slept in this morning and only had time to grab a bite to eat before leaving for the flea market.  One of our flea market friends' dad (who is also a vendor) was in the hospital with breathing problems.  It was his son who we went to see at the funeral home.  I mentioned this in a past blog,

He believes that he caught the same infection that just killed his son.  He seemed very good today and was very talkative.  Told us a lot of stories from his past.  It was a very enjoyable visit and I learned a lot from him.  We visited for a few hours.  He also got some good news that his wife was told she could go home Monday morning if she is still improving and he hopes that he can go home with her.  We hope he can, too.  We also hope that we brightened up his day.

Weather is warm and sunny today, a beautiful day.  Hope you all have a beautiful day, too.  Now, you have a great day, you hear?


  1. It's nearly 9pm here (Central TX) and those of us who aren't totally worn out from a day of socializing are probably worn out from too much to drink. Don't even ask which is me ;-) I think I must have missed why the father outlived the son... which is just NOT supposed to happen... but it sounds like that whole family has some serious issues. It finally got warmer here today... even got in my 10,000 steps walking today... and... here I am.. not only wondering why you, my friend Dizzy, are posting so late, but wondering why I am still up and about and posting so late. Oh well... can only hope that you and Dusty are doing well and that all our blogging friends are as well.

  2. I lost my oldest son many years ago when my grandson (his son) was just eight years old. That was a traffic accident. This fellow's son died of an infection that quickly shut his body down. The fellow we visited today caught the same infection but did something about it as soon as he had symptoms. He came to the ER and they admitted him. His wife is in the same hospital (different floor) with blood pressure problems. When it rains it pours. It sure did for this poor family.

  3. So sorry to hear about your friend's son's death as well as that of your own son many years ago.

    I hope his infection is under control and that he does not pass it on to other family members or friends.

    1. Since my chronic leukemia has weakened my defense against infection and disease, the hospital is the last place I should visit. But some times we have no choice. His son asked us to visit him, to raise his spirits after all that had happened to that family.

  4. Sounds like it's about time for some good things to come your way!

    Glad that your friend is better!

    1. H.J., I would not turn away any good things that may come my way. You know the old expression, "don't look a gift horse in the mouth". Yep, he and his wife will both get out of the hospital today (Sunday).

  5. Poor family! Prayers for them.
    So many people have operations that are successful, but the patient died from a nasty staph infection they caught in the hospital.

    I don't notice if you post late as I don't have time to read blogs until late in the day, or even a day or two later!!

    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. Hospitals and doctor's offices are both places to avoid if you want to stay healthy.
