Friday, November 29, 2013

Wondering about favorite words.

What is your favorite word?  What is your least favorite word.  Maybe I should just ask what word do you use the most.  Since I became rather hard of hearing and especially when I don't have my hearing aids in, my most used word is "what".  Now for least favorite word.  My wife's least favorite word is "what".  Yep, she gets tired of hearing me say it over and over and over again.  I guess to me nice, from now on I should not use that word so much, but rather just say, "yes dear".  Yes, I know that could be really dangerous.  OK, hold on for a few seconds, I got to go do something. . .


OK, I am back.  I just remembered that I didn't have my hearing aids in.  I went and put them in.  Now I will be able to hear all your great comments. . . wait a minute, I guess I just read your comments, it is the wife's comments that I will now be able to hear.

It is bright and sunny today, but a little on the cool side earlier this morning.  How could such a beautiful day be labeled "Black" Friday?  I think it should have been named "Green" Friday for all the money that the stores will be raking in today.  They will not be getting any of my money today.  Now, you all have a bright black Friday, you hear?


  1. Back when I was a 'dad' I'm sure my kids would tell you that my favorite word was "no".

    1. I would think that "no" is the most used word by all parents.

  2. I don't think I have a most or least favorite word... but I'll admit that sometimes being around a person who uses a word over and over again can get annoying.... one person I know said everything was "gold"... and a few years ago a young relative started everything with "like"... I'll have to stop and think if I use a word that's annoying to others.... hmmmmm.

    1. I agree, and as long as I can remember, there has been words or phrases that became popular and way over used.

  3. I'm a big fan of yes. That's where the adventures begin.

    1. I can think of how it could cause a lot of adventures, for sure.

  4. One thing that I really hate to hear is the term "grow" as in "Grow my business!"

    Seems totally out of context to me!

    1. Babies grow and plants grow and my grass grows too fast, but businesses expand as does my waist after a huge meal. . . and with most Americans, debt grows.

  5. I don't like having nouns converted to verbs, such as in gifting, messaging, etc., and I abhor the made up word "re-purposing". Positive sounding words would be my favorites.

    1. I will use three or four or more words in place of one made up word, but of course there are always exceptions. And doesn't it make you mad when people keep using a saying at the end of a sentence or paragraph or blog like "you hear", you hear?

    2. I grow to expect "you hear" at the end of a certain blog!

    3. HAhaaaaa... you two! I make up words all the time... I consider it a hobby ... my old age provides the time for word making upnessing...

  6. I've noticed that I'm using the word 'mate' a lot more that usual. But I guess it's part of the way I speak when I'm comfortable. I shall listen more to myself so I can see if there's anything else that I say too.

    Now, if you want to have a good weekend, make sure you keep those hearing aids in, and on loud. Don't want to wind up the wife, do you? Have a fun weekend.

    1. Thanks for the comment mate. You, also, have a great weekend.

  7. It has been necessary for me to speak 3-4 languages other than English during my life. I found that the most useful words, therefore my favorite, was the foreign translation of "Thank You". I try to remember to use that phrase in English as often as possible also but probably don't do so as much.

    1. I haven't mastered English yet and another language is out of the question. My mind just doesn't work well with language or Morse code and being a ham radio operator, that is a problem.
