Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wondering about Thanksgiving.

I want to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Some of us have to look harder than others, but we all have something to be thankful for.  It is very important to take time to count our blessings and I, for one, have more blessings than I can count.  I sure hope you all do, too.  I am loved by friends and family.  I am blessed with lots of wonderful and loving cousins.  All my wonderful Aunts and Uncles have passed away, my Aunt just passed away and she was the last of my family's generation, the last of an era that produced real people capable of handling the world's problems without complaining.

Thanksgiving has been celebrated for years.  It supposedly started in 1621 when the Pilgrims celebrated it at Plymouth Rock.  Then in 1863 President Lincoln proclaimed it a national holiday and was celebrated the last Thursday of the month of November.  Then in 1941, it was set as the fourth Thursday.  That way, when there are five Thursdays in the month, there will not be any confusion.  And yes, there could be five Thursdays in November, in case you are curious.  Now, don't eat too much. . . oh heck, go ahead, if you can't eat too much on Thanksgiving when can you?  So, have a great Thanksgiving, you hear?


  1. Today we rest and be Thankful, Happy Thanksgiving, DD & Mrs & pups. Turkey for everyone.

    1. Thanks Jimdabob, and don't get too stuffed on the stuffing.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Dizzy... I didn't realize the 4th Thursday proclamation! But... as I've said.. I slept through my history classes... which I regret!

    1. I didn't either. I just found it in one of my book's of facts. We are never too old to learn new things.

  3. I just got caught up on yesterday's post as well as todays. How sad for that family... it always seems so unfair for our kids to pass before we do.... but who am I to say? Which brings me right to Thanksgiving. I have much to be thankful to, and thank God every day for all His blessings. So, why do the holidays always make me sad and weepy? Nah... no pity party please... just sayin'

    1. Me too. It is because I remember all those happy, carefree holidays when I was young and surrounded by relatives every holiday. And now, it was my wife, the pups, and I who were together today on Thanksgiving.

  4. Howdy D&DD,
    It was a wonderful Thanksgiving Day for us at the RunningStar Ranch in Coleman county TEXAS... Joyce's family got together at the youngest g-daughter's NEW HOME, with everyone there and a BIRTHDAY PARTY for the eldest of the g-d's sons(6yo) 5 all tot'ld !!!
    My eldest daughter came out to the ranch, to watch me, while Joyce was gone; her daughter is living in Michigan, so we had our own kind of Thanksgiving dinner, HOT TAMALES, fried chicken and PEANUT-BUTTER !!!! Wasn't bad though, just different !!!
    The only thing that would have made it better was if Joyce hadn't gotten her & Sherri's shoes mixed-up and taken them with her; Sherri wore my slippers for 3 days, until Joyce got back !!!
    That's how the day went.... butterbean

    1. Sounds like you all had a great day. The menu sounds great except for the peanut-butter, almond-butter is much better for you and tastes better, too. I like the crunchy and my wife likes the smooth.

  5. I am blessed with lots of wonderful and loving cousins. All my wonderful Aunts and Uncles have passed away, my Aunt just passed away and she was the last of my family's generation, the last of an era that produced real people capable of handling the world's problems without complaining.

    I'm stealing some of this sentiment, Dizzy, especially that last sentence.

    I am blessed with a great Wife, Daughter, Granddaughter, Brothers, Sister, wonderful and loving Nieces and Nephews and fantastic Cousins. I had 6 Aunts and Uncles on my Mother's side and 10 Aunts and Uncles on my Dad's side of the family. All my wonderful Aunts and Uncles have passed away, my Uncle Oral just passed away and he was the last one of that generation, the last of an era that produced real people capable of handling the world's problems without complaining.

    1. I was an only child and therefore, my cousins were the brothers and the sisters that I never had. That is one reason I feel so close to them, but our familys has always been very close.
