Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wondering to the funeral home.

A sad trip.  An acquaintance or ours passed away way too soon at the age of 57.  He died of a serious infection.  It just so happened that his dad was in the same hospital but one floor above his son.  They were kind enough to wheel him down to his son's room so he could be with him when he passed.  So sad!!  Then, I just found out last night that his mother was also taken to the hospital.  This was not a good week for this family.  I got to meet some of his out of state relatives.  They really seem to be a fine family and I feel so sad about their loss and the trouble they are going through.

I just don't have anything else to say, except that you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Sorry to hear that. Hope the rest of the family gets well soon, so sad.

    1. Thanks Jim, we all hope so, too. His dad has that lung disease from handling asbestos.

  2. How sad Dizzy-Dick. Moreso, when people are celebrating Thanksgiving and it's also coming up to the Christmas season. I'm sure you was a source of strength for them and my condolences to all the family.
    I know your wife likes to make cards, so why not put them on your list, and start to send them lovely encouraging cards every now and again. Just a thought.

  3. sending up prayers to lift you up and the family who have lost a love one.
    God bless all of you,

    1. It was only a month ago when my Aunt (the last of that generation) passed away. I guess it is right that the only thing that is for sure is death and taxes.

  4. oh, my goodness, Dizzy... I missed this post... how terribly sad! good lord! and you're right .... the only thing we can be sure of is death and taxes ... but armed with that knowledge, it still hurts...
