Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wondeing again about past presidents.

I thought it would interesting to delve into some history of our past presidents.  They all have had interesting stories told about them, some true and probably some not so true.  Some came from relatively unknown families, but most had a family history of either politics, or some other occupation that was highly visible to the public.

Take President Franklin Roosevelt for example.  FDR was related to William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Benjamin Harrison, Ulysses S. Grant, Zachary Taylor, William Henry Harrison, Martin Van Buren, John Quincy Adams, James Madison, John Adams, and George Washington.  Seems strange, but FDR and his relatives controlled the presidency for about one-third of its existence.

How many remember Reagan? and his Reaganizms?  I, personally, liked him and enjoyed listening to him.  But, there have been times when his actions were just plain laughable.  For instance, one such time was when he and Nancy (both of which, by the way, had multiple face lifts) attended church at an Episcopal church service in Virginia.  As they were about to take communion, Nancy asked Mike Deaver, "Are those people drinking out of the same cup?"  He had to explain to her that they would be given wafers first and they would dip it into the cup.  President Reagan couldn't hear those instructions and was asking "What? What?" To which Nancy responded , "Ron, just do exactly as I do."  As the wafers were passed by she took one, dipped it in the chalice, and accidentally dropped it in the wine.  Reagan promptly took his wafer, dipped it, and dropped it into the wine as well.  The preacher moved on, shaking his head, and staring at the blobs of gunk floating in his wine.

I guess it shows that even presidents are human and some more than others.  It is cold (upper 30's) and raining.  Not a good day to be out walking, so will stay in most of the day.  Now, you all stay dry and warm and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think Reagan was always a Grade B actor. For that reason I never knew when he was acting or trying to be serious.

  2. My Dad thot the world would end, when Mom voted for Reagan....lolol

    1. I come from a mixed family. My dad and mom were members of different parties. One was a democrat and one was a republican.

    2. Then they didn't have to vote,,,

  3. Can you name any past presidents not buried in the USA?

    1. The ones that are still alive, so that would be Carter, Clinton, Bush, Bush, and the guy that is now in the white house.

  4. You made me laugh when you wrote that your parents were of different parties... mine were of the same party, BUT... my Dad would always fill out a "sample" ballot and give it to my Mom so that she'd vote who he wanted. She always took it... even took it into the booth with her... and came out with a smile on her face... never did say a word as to who she REALLY voted for. Ah... I miss my Mom's devious ways ;-)

    1. The way a person votes is private, at least so far. That smile was for your Dad so that he would always wonder just which way she did vote. . .devious for sure. You made me smile, too.

  5. Hey would you comment on my blog? Need to see if it's working. Can't put my weather thing on, and other things.

    1. I did. There were two blogs showed up and I commented on both of them. One seemed like the old one I am used to but the other had verification turned on.

  6. I always think it's interesting learning about the quirky things relative to our presidents. Recently enjoyed looking at the presidential statues on the street corners of Rapid City, South Dakota. Each one captured some type of detail that that president was known for.

    1. I remember your blog with the pictures of the statues. Everyone is interesting, even presidents.

  7. Well, that gave me the laugh for the day. Reminded me of my ex-MIL trying to embarass me at the dinner table one time. She didn't like the way I was putting butter on my roll, so she showed me and when she did the butter she had put on her knife fell off onto the table,she scraped it back up and buttered the roll, soooo I took some butter on my knife and flung it onto the table, scraped it back up and buttered my roll the way I always had. Her face turned beet red, she was a mean old lady! Which makes me think that would you try to make someone look like a fool you are the one who looks like one!

    1. Now that's funny!! You are oh so correct about becoming the fool when you try to make someone else look like a fool. Well stated.
