Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wondering about some Exotic Pets.

Some people like to own pets that are special or exotic; something unique that no one else has.  Well, I got some exotic pets for you, but you may not be able to get them until 20 or so years from now.  Let me explain what I am talking about.

Do you remember my blog posting "Wondering what to have for Thanksgiving"?  Well, if you remember a futuristic company called Dino-Dish would sell a kit to allow you to grow your own dinosaur meat.  Well, a little further into the future there may be another company called DADE which will sell you a Dial-A-De-Extinction Kit.  (found this article in Discover magazine titled 2033 Holiday Gift Guide by Gemma Tarlach. - got to give credit where credit is due.) This future kit supposedly will include DNA and a tutorial on how to find and catch the living animal you'll be using as a host breeder.  I am sure this could cause a lot of turmoil with both your neighbors and Mother Nature.  So, you should also be allowed to purchase insurance to cover any damage your new exotic pet may do to the environment.

OK, if you could, which extinct dino would you order as a pet and why?  Would you want a tiny, gentle one, a large vegetarian, or a huge meat eater which would be the terror of your neighborhood?  Now I hope you can out-run any dino pets that got loose and that you will also have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. We should ask Barney of the Flint Stones how he likes it. . . and of course he will say, "yaba daba doooo"...

  2. I hope they are not really serious about this. You shouldn't fool with Mother Nature, you know.

    1. We have been fooling with Mother Nature ever since man discovered fire. Most future predictions do not happen.

  3. We don't even have a cat so I guess I won't be planning on adding Dino to our motorhome travels...

    1. Ah shucks, wouldn't a dino be nice to pull your RV out of the mud if you got stuck? We travel with three dogs (used to be four), and I wouldn't want to have to bring along a dino. . .

  4. I certainly wouldn't want to pay the feed bill!

    1. Bet they would make great "watch dogs", though.
