Friday, November 8, 2013

Wondering what all we depend on.

We are spoiled.  We take for granted all the modern conveniences and then we get all shook up when we lose them.  I lost a couple of my conveniences.  I am still waiting for one of them to come back.

The first one I lost was my fault.  I forgot to keep checking my 250 gallon propane tank until a couple of days ago and by then the gauge read only three percent.  Immediately, we stopped using any.  I only have two things that use it, so I turned the gas off to both the hot water heater and the kitchen range.  My wife got a hot plate out to cook on.  That wasn’t too bad of disruption but I made the mistake and called a propane company that I had never used before and they wanted to run tests and charge me for that and they said they wouldn’t fill it unless they installed a new regulator and came in and checked all gas appliances and then do a soap test on all the lines and . . . you get the point.  They were just trying to find excuses to charge me more money.  They said that I should call their office in the morning and order the parts.

I didn’t do that.  I found an old receipt from the company I used in the past, called them, and they came right out and filled it.  The first company wouldn’t drive back to the tank to fill it, the second one drove back there without hesitation.  The first company was more interested in money while the second company was more interested in service.  The first company wanted cash paid to the truck driver, the second company said that they would send me a bill later.  Guess which company I am going to stay with and recommend to others!!

Now, my DSL line is down.  Called and reported it last night and they said that maybe they could get someone out here today.  Should I hold my breath?  Should I wait to post this until after the DSL line is fixed?  No to both!!  I will just turn on our Verizon Hot Spot that we use when we travel.  That will work; at least I hope it will with all the bad luck we have been having, you never know!  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I missed yesterday's post... catching up this morning. Your holly is native to the Southeast.... the female produces the fruit... it needs a male tree close by for pollination (ha! that ties right in on what we depend on!). I'll have to give what I depend on some thought... especially since my "dependable" laptop crashed last week and I'm using one that crashed 2 years ago and has been rebuilt. Probably the biggest thing is... I've found I can do without an awful lot of things I thought I depended on ;-)

    1. The trouble with our society is that we depend too much on utility companies and grocery stores. Yes, I believe that they are a member of the holly family.

  2. Check'n all that stuff, from what I understand....that's the law.
    Now if'n it was me, an' I was sell'n propane, an' I come across a old bearded feller what look like he just come out the West Virginia woods, I would require cash also. Ya just never know bout old bearded folks ya know.

    1. I happen to like West "by God" Virginia. I have one cousin that lives there. I have driven through it many times.

  3. Around here, the gas companies keep a check of tanks for regular customers. Fill em as needed. That way, YOU don't have to worry about running out, and THEY don't have to worry about making an emergency run. And they can do that in spare time too. By all means, keep that second company....maybe they would do that for you too.

    My son came home yesterday, doing great. Still needs more time to actually be over it. He said looking back, his esophagus had been leaking like, for a few months, but gosh, who would ever think that?

    1. Glad to hear that your son is home. I would imagine the healing process will take some time.

  4. The first company sounds like the company I use to work for, the men in the gray suits with spiking hair gel came in and said "here 's what we 're going to do to increase revenue ....." and goodbye customers. I bet the second gas company was run by some old bearded guy who has been in the business for a 100 years and still has dirt under his fingernails.

    1. The second company was the one I always used in the past but they were not listed in the Yellow Pages. So I called the one listed. My bad!! Then I looked in the white pages and found the one I always used in the past. They didn't take long to get the job done.

  5. Good mawnin', DD, :-)
    The reason the first company is listed in the Yellow Pages is because they can CHARGE MORE & GET MORE SUCKERS/CUSTOMERS that way; probably went to HARVARD,too also.. The other company has a solid base of HAPPY customers and don't have to PAY EXORBITANTLY HIGH ADVERTISING PRICES, anymore... When the older people die-off/leave, then the NEW owners, with their HARVARD education, will do the same as the first bunch did...
    Have you noticed nearly every politician WENT TO HARVARD OR SAID THEY DID ??
    Hope y'all have a HAPPY DAY !!!

    1. Glad I didn't go to Harvard!! But only went two years to Penn State. I did OK on only two years of college, but started off working labor then moved to the die and tool design department.
