Thursday, November 7, 2013

Better late than never. . .

 Sorry I am late getting my blog posted today but I had a lot of stuff to take care of this morning.  Yesterday I walked out my driveway and took some pictures of what November looks like around my place.  These first two pictures are of the Yaupon:

The scientific name of it is "llex vomitoria".  The last part of that name describes what happens if or when you eat it, if you survive, of course.  I am not sure if it is the male or the female bushes that bloom and put on fruit, but some do and some don't.

 And how about a couple more mushrooms that I missed the other day:

And these I like and they do come in other colors, but they are always two tones.  They are the Texas Lantana:

 I believe they are a wild variety of Abronia, or maybe they just have multiple names.

I hope to be back on schedule tomorrow or maybe I should post later in the day, what do you prefer?  Now, have a great day, what ever is left of it, you hear?


  1. Is it possible to classify male or female bushes??? I have not heard it before. Red color fruit looks so beautiful. Mushrooms are pretty good.

    1. Yes it is, in some species, but don't ask me which is which. I would guess the ones that bear fruit would be the female?

  2. What a shocking red colour, I guess to let you know how dangerous it is. I do love mushrooms to eat, but only when I've bought them from the shop. Don't want to end up down the hospital.

    1. The color is quite bright. Red is a warning to stop, right? I used to like to hunt edible wild mushrooms, but now I just take pictures.

  3. The plant was erroneous named and like all holly is only moderately toxic. Birds and animals do eat the fruit and leaves with no ill effects.
    You can but Yaupon Holly Tea which is the milder North American relative of Yerba Mate Holly that is very popular in South America.

    Native Americans used the leaves and stems to brew a tea, commonly thought to be called asi or black drink for male-only purification and unity rituals. The ceremony included vomiting, and Europeans incorrectly believed that it was Ilex vomitoria that caused it (hence the Latin name). The active ingredients, like those of the related yerba mate and guayusa, are actually caffeine and theobromine, and the vomiting either was learned or resulted from the great quantities in which they drank the beverage coupled with fasting.
