Saturday, November 9, 2013

Wondering about movie and TV stars.

I got wondering about old and new movies and TV stars.  There were some great ones that I remember well, both drama and western stars.  Tyrone Power was an idol back when I was growing up.  He died of a heart attack at the age of 44 while filming a sword fight.  I can remember seeing him in a lot of movies.

And then there was Randolph Scott.

 Do you remember him?  He was around for a long time, managed to live to be 89 years old.  I still see him in some good old western movies on the Western Channel.

But my favorite actor was Jack Elam, especially in westerns where he usually played the bad guy.  He made a great bad guy, but I have seen him in stuff where he was the good guy.  Don't matter, I always liked him and his acting and the faces that he made.

 OK, now for a little test of your memory.  How many of you know who the actor is in the picture below?

 Did you guess who he is?  He probably was better known when he got a little older than he is in this picture.  Can you guess now?  He even recorded a record.  I am not sure if I should tell you now.  Oh, what the heck, he is Walter Brennan.  I don't think I would have recognized him from this picture.  OK, enough movie trivia for today.  I will have to turn on the boob tube and see what movies are on now.  You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Remember the names, and I have that album Walter B. made.

    1. There were a lot of old actors I remember well. Did you recognize Walter B's picture when he was young?

    2. I was never a movie buff although I've heard the names of the older actors. I think Tyrone Power sure looks older than 44 in that picture. What a shame for a life to end so soon.

  2. Gypsy, that is exactly what my wife said, that he looked older than 44. She even looked it up to verify that he did pass at age 44.

    Trouble, I didn't either.

  3. The only actor's name I didn't recognise was Jack Elam. However, I sure remember that face. Walter Brennan doesn't look particularly young in that photo. I would not known who is was if you hadn't told me.

    A good upcoming Sunday to you.


    1. He was a great character actor. He had one eye that looked off to the side (I believe he had a glass eye), and that made his part as a bad guy more convincing.

  4. When I was a kid our Sunday afternoon treat was going to the movies. Saturday morning was "kids" time... Roy Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy, Judy Canova... But Sunday matinee was the "current" movie - preceded of course by the news...films of whatever war we were involved in at the time. I'll have to admit that I remember Esther Williams swimming, Mitzi Gaynor .... okay I even remember Betty Grable.... more than your guys that came a bit later. However, I can still picture Jack Elam looking at me with that wild eye that seemed kind of scary. Nope... didn't recognize ole Walter... only think of him as an old codger.

    1. I saw a lot of movies back in the 1950's and have seen all those actors. I got sick when I was a kid and had to stay in bed and then at home for a couple of months. My Dad felt sorry for me and bought us the first television we ever had. In fact, it was the first one in our area. So, I saw all those old cowboy shows.

  5. The Walter Brennan I remember is the one from that John Wayne movie "Rio Bravo" in 1959 (The one with Dean Martin & Ricky Nelson)

    1. I don't believe that I ever saw that movie. I looked it up on the internet to confirm that I never saw it. Maybe it will be shown on the Western Channel someday.

  6. Tomorrow is Veterans Day.
    Tyrone Power served in WW2 as a pilot in the Pacific. Remember Don Adams from the tv show "Get Smart"? He was a Marine & fought in Burma, Lee Marvin was a Marine who was wounded in the Pacific.

    1. And let's not forget Audie Murphy, a true war hero who became a movie star in western cowboy movies.
