Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wondering what caused the outage.

I was awakened in the middle of the night by the alarm going off on my oxygen machine.  It seems that the power had gone off.  Yep, no lights.  I got up and went and turned off my oxygen generator and crawled back in bed.  I wasn't there long until the electric came on.  How did I know?  Well, it seems I must have tried the switch for the over head ceiling light.  OK, got back up, turned on my oxygen machine and went back to bed.  Then as morning was approaching, everything shut back down.

I got up and just had me some almond butter and jelly on crackers for breakfast and, even though the electric was not back on, we headed off to the flea market.  But first, I went around the house unplugging all the electronic items in case there was a surge when it came back on.  When we returned, I heard the outside air-conditioning unit running, so I knew the power was back on.  So, now I have an excuse for posting later than I usually do.

OK, I am hungry, going to get some lunch.  My wife has cooked me up some Louisiana boudin sausage and with a couple of eggs, that will be a great lunch.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


  1. I'm going completely off grid. The power company was told to disconnect service in a few days. I won't bother reconnecting when I get back. If I get a power outage, it will be my responsibility. However, I've a better track record than the utility.

    If Louisiana boudin sausage is anything like the French Canadien version, better set another plate. :)

  2. Sounds good, believe I can smell it cracklin in the pan. Got any sourdough toast and apple butter to go along?

  3. Sixbears, my son is working toward being off grid at his place. He has solar panels and a generator. This outage didn't bother him any. And, I never had the French Canadien version so I don't know if they are the same. Since there is a lot of French blood in Lousiana I wouldn't doubt it.

    Jimdabob, Boudin and eggs, that is all one needs. . . mmmmm good!!

  4. If I weren't so worn out with all this humidity sapping my energy, I believe I'd head for your boudin... Dang! I love that stuff. It sounds like you have a back-up generator for your oxygen... sure hope so...

    1. It cooled off this morning. Feels good. I get my boudin at Wal-Mart her in Conroe. No, I don't have a back up generator for my oxygen machine. My sone has a back iup at his house.

  5. I hope you haven't had another outage. Indeed, that you can breath easy and have some more cooked food.

    Have a good rest of your weekend, y'all.


    1. So far everything is fine and I do have a full belly.

  6. Glad the electric came back on. Did it rain in Houston? A cold front came through today and there was a lot of wind and that caused our power to go out but only for a short time.

    1. It rained, but nothing heavy that I know of. I think our problem was a bloen transformer.

  7. You're pretty smart, Dizzy, What can you do if the power is off, but at least going to a flea market takes your mind off the power outage. Glad it didn't last long.

    1. The flea market is our outings for the week. Why stay home when the power is off?

  8. Dizzy, hope this loss of power didn't affect your fridge/freezer or anything and I hope it doesn't happen on a regular basis either. This is a silly question but, what does this 'oxygen machine' do? Because at first I thought it was some medical thing to do with your breathing but when you said you turned it off and went back to bed, it didn't seem urgent or important.
    And those boudin sausages sound very tasty.

    1. The power was not off long eneugh to affect the food in the frig. If it had stayed off any longer I would have moved it to the frig in the RV.

    2. OH Yes, I forgot. I have sleep apnea and quit breathing some times. The oxygen machine is to keep the blood level of oxygen up high enough to allow me to survive the few minutes that I quit breathing. Yes, it is a medical thing but I could go with out it although I wake up feeling al lot better with it.
