Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wondering about my new license.

Remember back when I told you about taking the written and driving road test to upgrade my driver's license to be legal driving my RV since its GVW is over 26,000 pounds?  I passed both.  When I went to the post office Friday to get my mail, my new license was there.

I sure do like to sit around with people and talk.  I also, as does Billy Bob, like to tell stories.  Of course, no matter how far fetched my personal stories are, they are absolutely true with out any embellishments.  Got that?  Some people think otherwise.  Some people think that I am full of it; and you know what "it" is!!  Right?  Well, now I have a license that allows me to tell tall tales and a also some bathroom humor mixed in.  I now have a "BM" license!!!  Don't believe me?  OK, here is a picture that I scanned of my new license.  Take a look at the class.  Yep it is BM!!  And you know what those letters stand for. . .

 Now I can legally tell my stories because I have a license class of BM.  Now I can tell any far fetched stories or any BM, or should I say "BS", that I want to.  All my stories are absolutely true beyond a shadow of a doubt and without any embellishments.  And that is a fact.  Just in case you don't know, the class BM is actually for both a class B license that you need to drive a vehicle over 26000 pounds and the "M" stands for motorcycle.
OK, you all have a great day without any bs or bm or anything else to spoil it for you, you hear?


  1. I LOVE it! So funny! Bill got stopped in our little podunk town yesterday... apparently he had "slipped" through a couple of stop signs without coming to a complete stop. Hey... what the heck do they want? I mean there is ABSOLUTELY nothing on these streets! Except maybe a city police now and then is lurking and waiting. ANYWAY... we have TX plates, TX insurance.. and when Bill handed over his (TX) drivers license, the city policeman thanked him for serving his country (TX drivers license has a place for Veterans to be recognized)... and also they show that Bill has a CDL (many locals give these folks a break)... AND... Bill hauled out his Texas "concealed weapon" card... which look just like the TX drivers' license.... ANYWAY... no citation... and a nice "thank you" for caring about our country. So, Dizzy, I hope your new driver's license gives you a few extra perks in Texas... things that (in my opinion) aren't that serious anyway... and a nice wave and thank you... and you're off. I mean... it's not like any of us are criminals or out to destroy the country we love so much... What the heck?

    1. Heck, I guess I had been driving that RV illigally for a few years. Anyway, I am legal now and I am glad Billl didn't get a citation.

  2. Now all you need is a PHD for piled higher and deeper. :)

    1. Yep, I can really pile it high now, just think how high I could pile it if I got a PHF for it. . . .Your comment made me grin.

  3. You will be the envy of many old geezers in blogland who could use a license for BM, or more properly, BS!

  4. Glad you finally got "legal!" Can't have any ol' plain folks sitting around the campfire without that BM license!

    One question. Do ya feel any different with it? Somehow I always do when I get a new license!

    1. Actually, I don't feel any different because for a long time I didn't know I needed one. But now my wife doesn't have to worry about that anymore. I am like Alfred E. Newman, "What, me worry?" Heck no. Worry is a waste of time and I don't have too much of that left to waste.

  5. legally tell your stories... HAHaaaa... is Texas home to the Liar's Club.. haven't thought of that in eons

    they have cards andall ;)
