Monday, October 7, 2013


Woke up to a 48 degree morning.  That was refreshing.  Cool and dry (yes, I said dry) air moved in along a front yesterday and must have gotten reinforced during the night.  It was a clear night so there was a lot of heat radiated out to space since no clouds blocked it in.  Both of these things worked together to give me a really wonderful cool morning.  Love it!!  And it is only supposed to get up to 83 at the most.  A specially nice day to be alive.

My son stopped by this morning and had me scan a few things and then email them to his phone.  While he was here he only received one of them.  Don't know where the other two went.  Hope they catch up with him before he needs them.

Not all of us have had such nice weather.  Check out Jill's blog that was posted yesterday:

She and her family are stuck in a hotel without lights and running out of food and water.  They have no heat and a huge winter storm is blowing snow and drifting in the parked cars and making travel impossible.  There dream vacation turned into a nightmare.  If I had a preference, I would much rather prefer to be snowbound in my own RV than in a hotel.  Hope she and her family survive without too much more difficulty and can enjoy their remaining vacation.  Now I hope your day is as great as mine.  If not, try to have a great day anyway, you hear?


  1. Technology is brilliant on a good day and a nightmare on a bad day. Hope your son tracks down that scan from cyberspace but sometimes it can turn up hours later.

    Oh, I do hope the weather subsides so Jill can get out of that situation. The weather is a tricky thing. Despite all the warnings you just never know what's really going to happen on any given day.
    Today was mild for us but on the TV news, they said we are in for an extremely cold freezing winter. Now, it's not like that has never happened before in the UK. In fact, we are more shocked when we hear that we will see the sun during the summer : /
    I need to go and dig up my old winter coat now so have a wonderful week.

    1. Hope you find your coat and throw a few more blankets on the bed. Keep warm and hope all that fog over there doesn't freeze. That would make it hard to walk through it, right?

  2. We woke up to rain and 53*... down to 50* an hour later. I loved it! Except... it's darker later and later each morning... DST ends November 3... oh well.... the sun did come out and at 4pm it's 67*... not a bad day afterall. Hope your son gets his scans.... soon.

    1. It will be back up in the upper 80's or lower 90's, but I am enjoying this cool spell. It is now 78 dgrees and that is still cool for here this time of year.

  3. Thx for that link to Jill, wow, that's scary.

    1. Yes it is, I hope she gets back home to Pennsylvania in good shape.

  4. yes thanks for the link ... that is scary ....

    1. Mother Nature can be cruel at times. Her job is to keep us humble.

  5. I am glad you are experiencing such nice temperatures. It is about time fall made its presence be felt if only for a little while.

    1. It stayed around for this morning, too. But the heat will return!!
