Friday, October 4, 2013

Wandering around the yard.

Yesterday, I noticed some wild flowers growing near to where I leave my Jeep parked.  There they were, just growing along the edge of the driveway.  There were both small yellow flowers and larger bluish purple ones with little white mustaches under their noses.  Here is a picture of both types of flowers:

I looked up the name of this unique and beautiful wild flower and found it to be a Butterfly Pea (Centrosema virginianum).  Does the "virginianum" part mean it was first discovered in Virginia or maybe a lady by the name of Virginia first found it?  Heck I don't really care where the name came from, it is a pretty wild flower:

Then a little later, I went out into the small area fenced in for the dogs off our back porch.  There I found this flower:

Then I noticed all the different types of mushrooms growing there.  They sprung up just after the rain.  This first small one had a beautiful delicate edge all aournd it. 

Then there was what looked like a puff ball that was trying to grow hair:

And my favorite ones.  These are small and they seemed to have little protrusions on them at ninety degrees from each other and a dark spot in the middle.  I thought that they were really beautiful: 

See, you just don't have to go far to see great and beautiful things.  You just have to look for them, even if they are only a few steps out your door.  BTW, did you spot the new young ones just popping up?  There is young one at the top of the picture and a little older one on the right side.  Go take a walk around your yard and really look to see what all is going on there and have a great day, you hear?


  1. You must be having as wet an autumn there as we are in here in Ohio. I thought it was raining this morning but it's just that the fog is so heavy it's made everything wet... yesterday the radio said "100% humidity"... and there was no rain! I think Bill wants to head out to some cemeteries today... he find headstones with names and dates... I find mushrooms and wildflowers ;-)

    1. We really need the rain. Didn't get enough to make up the deficit. Sounds like Ohio is as bad it is down here on the Texas Gulf Coast.

  2. Love all those, but,,,, what about your swamp? You know I love that the most.

    1. The swamp is still just two small ponds. The weeds have taken over the rest of it. If I get a chance, I will take some updated pictures and post them.

  3. My lil' Dizzy Dude: In Florida, it's scary to walk in the yard due to the sand shifting under my feet. On our way to Indiana, Beau fell in love with firm dirt and soft grass. He used every rest stop to roll and nudge his nose into real mother nature.

    1. I guess Bear will not want to go back home!! Solid ground is a lot easier to walk on than soft, shifting sand.

  4. I just love the look of those mushrooms, so perfectly formed. I wish I had a garden or backyard to investigate. And come to think about it, I wish I had a dog too. Well, I guess I'll just have to keep watching your wonderful photos for the time being. I like the way you added colour to the edge of your photos to match the pictures too.

  5. I have those mushrooms all over my yard as well! About the only way to tell we had rain!

    Nice flowers!
