Thursday, October 3, 2013

Two more Halloween cards.

I have already put on my blog a couple of the Halloween cards that my wife made.  I think that she does such a great job I am going to show you two more that will be going out in the mail.  This first one is the last one that she completed.  She creates her cards from plain card stock and the art work is done with colored ink pens.


I especially like the way she did the fire under the pot in the above picture.  And how she comes up with all the great ideas for cards, keeps me in awe.  Oh yes, I suppose you want to see what the inside of the above card looks like, so here it is:

And you can't mail a card without an envelope and the back of all the envelopes she sends has to have at least a little bit of art work to give a hint of what may be within:

The card she created before the one above I believe to be hilarious!!  This one just cracks me up.  Not only does that pumpkin head guy have his head upside down, but he is dressed in quite joyous colors and designs.

And of course it, too, had to have an envelope:

I hope my wife's cards help brighten up your day.  At least, maybe it gave you a good start to having a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I sure think she is.

    2. So do I. She's so good. Some see just a picture; others critique the talent behind the picture; I rate your lady's as A+. I think she ought to publish - Ah, contact Hallmark!

      DD, I sure like your blog now that I'm paying attention.

  2. Howdy DD&D,


    1. Yes butterbean, ol Diz get a wonder lady, for sure!!

  3. Has she ever sold any of her artwork? Very talented... love her humor!

    1. No, it is a hobby. We don't do art for sell although we will give it away. We send a five cards a week and my wife does 90 percent of them.

  4. I'm starting to look forward to the card of the day... beginning to feel like they're just for me ;-) Does your aunt know that she's sharing her cards with so many of us... and we all enjoy them?

    1. No, my Aunt does not know. I suppose we should make copies of them, but only very few have been copied. Glad you enjoy them. I made one to send tomorrow since my wife's eys were tired.

  5. Replies
    1. I will show some once in awhile, but not every day. I think my wife should make her own blog, but I have not been able to talk her into it, yet. She is into all kinds of crafts.

  6. I really enjoyed the cards. Glad you thought of sharing them with us. Thank you.

  7. Glad you ejoyed them. We have been doing cards, etc for a few years. I just hope that the recipient enjoys them as much as we enjoy making theim.
