Friday, October 18, 2013

Wondering at the beauty of the clouds.

Yesterday, the clouds seemed to me to be extra beautiful.  As I mentioned in an older post:(
every time my wife sees pretty clouds she says that Bob Ross is up there painting clouds.  The educational channel still runs his painting series.  I never get tired of watching them.  Like my cousin says, he could paint a masterpiece with a large brush used to paint barns.  Anyway, I thought that you would like seeing the clouds that were over my place yesterday.  This first one is looking east:

 This next one is looking directly overhead:

 And looking south west:

And the last one looking west:


I took all these pictures within a minute, but looking in different directions.  The whole sky was painted with beautiful and unusual clouds.  It was a magnificent sight for sure!!  That, of course, made my day and I hope you had a good one, too.  Now, you all have a great day and as my Grandpa always said, "Keep looking upwards", you hear?


  1. I showed your photos to Joe because we both act like kids at Christmas by staring at clouds. From Indiana to Florida, we both agreed that we have NEVER seen such cloud formations! Did your weather channel mention them? NO ONE EVER LOOKS UP ANY MORE!!

    1. I thought they were great, but in this area we get a lot of pretty cloud formations frequently. No, the weather station didn't mention them. If they did, I missed it. I like to look up, day or night.

  2. I was look'n up one time, had my head in the clouds. Fell slap over a concrete block sit'n on the ground. Look'n up ain't always the best advice.

    1. I know what you mean. I have done similar things but I just never learn.

  3. Nature can really put on a show sometimes!

    1. In more ways than one. Sometimes she puts on too much of a show, but those clouds were just perfect.

  4. I don't remember when I've seen that much cloud in all directions. Very interesting to look at - actually, it's awesome.

    1. I guess that it means a change in the weather. It was on the cool side today. Don't think it got over 70.

  5. They do look very different to what I'm use to. If you turned the pictures upside down, it looks like snow on the ground next to a tree. Very interesting but beautiful.

    1. They were not our ordinary every day clouds, that why I took pictures of them. Yes, upside down it does look like snow.

  6. love the cloud pictures ... I love clouds. makes me feel whimsical ... looking at clouds. ;)

    1. Me, too!! It is fun to try to figure out what they look like. I like the ones that look like animals.

  7. I can't say that I have ever seen cloud formations like these. They are beautiful. Now days people do not even bother to look up at the sky.

    That is one thing I love about being in Terlingua...looking at that beautiful blue sky in the day and enjoying the stars at night.

  8. Seen a LOT of different ones, but never like these. Wonderful. Great pics, thx for them. And I look at clouds too.
