Saturday, October 19, 2013

Wondering about another grooming day.

Yesterday was grooming day for our three pups.  Since our old groomer retired, we have been taking them to a new groomer and they seem to very good at it.  The pups don't seem to mind it too much although I am sure they still give them a hard time.  Our pups make sure the groomers always earn their money (grin).  Anyway, I am going to show you what they look like after we got them home.

 The top two pictures are of our oldest pup, Muffin.  She is jumping up on my wife, who has some treats for them.

The next picture is of all three of them.  It seems the other two discovered that my wife had some goodies.  The one on the left is our male and the one at the top right is the youngest and the one we rescued at an RV park.

 I like this last picture.  There are six eyes trained on my wife in anticipation of a treat.  Why is it that dogs always seem to be hungry.  Well, I think I can understand, I like to eat, too.  Well, it is time to head off to the flea market and get some walking exercise and visit with a few friends even though it is a cool, damp morning.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Howdy D&DD,

    Those aren't pups, DD, they're foo-foo dogs !!!! But they're BEAUTIFUL foo-foo dogs !!!! What breed are they or are they cross-breeds???

    Hope ALL y'all have a HAPPY DAY !!!!!!!

    1. They are Shih-Tzu pups. And no, they ain't. pups no more, either.

  2. Even my lovely wife and I ended up at a flea market today. FL appears to be full of them. Good way to spend a few hours.

    1. There Is definitely more flea markets in the south. Today, I only bought a kneeling pad. My ole bones need a little more padding now a days.

  3. Your dogs are beautiful and they are very fortunate to have your wife and you as their Mom and Dad :)

  4. I would say they are spoiled. I don't know if they think they are fortunate or just expect to be served and cooked for (grin).
